Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Stay at home mode

It's been nearly two weeks since this whole mess has been going on (you know, the virus, I hate mentioning the name of it). I'm waiting for something good to happen. Like for it to be ended somehow. A vaccine. A lift on the curfew. Hearing about more people recovering. Something. ANYTHING.

I went to the store earlier and I glanced at the front page of a local newspaper. It pertained to people wanting to know when will all this stop. I am human, and I think along those lines too. The headline referred to getting back to "normalcy." I thought, what was normal about before, except being able to leave your house on a whim? Then I thought, the way things were before was ANYTHING but normal... try ABNORMAL!

There are no public meetings, congregations, clubs, schools, parades, outings, get-togethers, reunions, family gatherings, churches, etc. We're all stuck at home, waiting for it to blow over.

The internet must be flooded with people because nobody can go out just to go out. This is like waiting out a blizzard, only worse, because these "snowflakes" are potentially lethal.

I heard of a podcast or something that had further instructions on how not to catch this bug. One of which is drink hot beverages like coffee or tea. Another is to drink warm, not cold, water, and avoid ice (so much for ice cream). Another is if you went out, when you get home, take a shower as soon as you get inside, and wash your clothes as much as possible, because the virus can get in your hair or clothing. Eat healthy foods like veggies. Don't smoke. Etc.

Of course we also have our "more common" common sense like wash your hands, cover your mouth, and avoid those who are sick or even appear sick. This is one nasty germ, and I'm praying somebody gets a muzzle on it soon.

Every time I think about it, I have to remember that God is over all of this. He will decide when it ends, if it ends. I say that because I don't know, but He does. I must say though, I have to make myself think spiritually, because this is one hum dinger of a trial. Yet I know that God will get the glory, and people will be saved from all this.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Thank God for another day

Ahh, what a privilege it is to be able to wake up and do what you love to do. As for me, in case you haven't noticed, it's BLOGGING!! I LOVE to write in my blogs. I have another one here at Blogger that rarely gets used for my other Google account, but I like this one better. Maybe I'm weird for having multiple blogs, I don't know. I just know I like to start fresh.

So as you MAY have noticed, we're in the midst of the lovely Coronavirus issue. The world is, as I speak, reeling in fear and torments with this terrible judgment of God. Italy is on lockdown and can't leave their homes, and has been for weeks now. I feel so bad for them. China is bogged down, as well as is the rest of Europe. And don't you know, it's here in the UNTIED STATES of AmeriKa! In my state there's been over 100 cases!! In my city, 44, and counting!! They're telling us to go home and STAY HOME, which I think is impossible because people have to work, and many don't like to be told what to do! Ugh, it's a big mess!

I have the feeling (and I admit, this is my flesh) that this can go on for much longer. They SAY 2 weeks, but I don't know about that. The way it's been hyped and pushed and shoved down our throats, only 2 weeks would surprise me! People are scared, terrified, and many are in doubt because they see others going about their lives so they assume they won't get it (and I admit I'm there too). But I have my God to shield me from any catatrophe, and I say, THY WILL BE DONE, LORD. God is on His throne, and NOTHING takes Him by surprise.

If I end up with the coronavirus (more specifically, with COVID-19), then I must accept that as God's will. If I catch a tiny sniffle I'm not going to the emergency room (actually they want us to go directly to see our doctor, which seems strange because they're probably bogged down with cases). They keep telling us to DO THE 5:

  1. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds
  2. Stay at least 3 feet away from others (the "social distancing" rule)
  3. Cough or sneeze into your elbow, not your hands
  4. Don't touch your face (without washing your hands)
  5. If you have symptoms, stay home (which is ludicrous because quarantining makes it worse; before they were pushing to go to the doctor immediately, hence what I said earlier) 
  6. I might add another: DISINFECT YOUR HOME, DUH.
Google goes on and on like they have the right to tell us what's best and how to do this or that. I won't listen to them because they're not God Almighty, Who holds my life in His hands. NOTHING can happen to me outside of the will of God. If I seek His will (and I must because I am His child), then I must prepare myself for anything that comes my way. It also means I can't live in fear! FEAR IS OF THE DEVIL!! I want to please God, so I will listen to His voice, not mine.

In the end, after all this is over, I really hope people will wise up and return to the God who gives them breath. Is this God's judgment on the world? I don't know that for sure, but I do know this: He is trying to get our attention! BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND BE SAVED!!