Tuesday, November 8, 2022


I did my civic duty today and voted. But I'm not talking about my votes, I'm bringing up that crossdresser that was at the polls a few years ago, (or maybe it was a different one). He was there with his bling and makeup on. And if that wasn't enough, on the table was one of those trash NKJV bibles. 

It doesn't matter what I think about that, I believe God is judging this nation for its countless sins. They want a homosexual crossdresser working at the polls to make it seem right to the gullible public, no problem. They want to plant a garbage New Age Version "bible" to make it look like they're religious to the dumb-downed masses, go for it. Let me tell you something, God is the one allowing all this, and quite frankly, unless this spoiled rotten country truly repents and gets born again, there is absolutely no hope. 

Take this godless world but I know in whom I've believed. Whose side are you on? 

Blood Moon (S)Election Day

I got a notification at about 5am saying excitedly, "Blood Moon Eclipse! Can yoú see it?" So I go outside and look for this so-called blood moon. I did see a faint fuzzy blotch in the sky towards the east, but nothing spectacular. I didn't bother to photograph it because my camera is crap and would have made it even fuzzier than it was. 

I wonder, what is all the hype about a lunar eclipse? So what? And I also saw that it supposedly has to do with election day. That is a bad omen, in my opinion. If an eclipse has to do with election day, that portends very bad news. (Just a side note: if Trump runs again, I'll vote for him.)

Pagans celebrate and observe the cycles of the moon. They worship they know not what. They go along to get along. Watch how many videos show up online from this blood moon fiasco. Again, what's the big deal?

How many pagans woke up and dashed outside to film this phenomenon? Not me, I simply went out because I was curious. It's cold out there. I was glad to climb back into my warm bed. 

Let the heathen film irrelevant videos. God will hold every one of them accountable.