Friday, December 9, 2022

Nothing to lose

 I am a former reader of a certain website which I had learned much from, but I decided I'm tired of reading the articles from the author who is constantly complaining and seemingly in a rage over certain doctrines of the faith. I'm not saying he's wrong, I'm just saying that every time I open a page, there's another angry spiel. I'm tired of his complaints. I wonder how tired God is of my complaints? I wouldn't know.

 I am a former student of this author as well. I decided that he is too angry and self-focused to even write a decent article any more. Angry people don't make friends. They are stubborn and recluse themselves away from others. I know, I can be that way at times too. Hence the term, "sinner," since we all sin at all times.

I also decided to look up this author's name on a search engine. The spew and hate coming from these webpages is more than I can stand. Why do wicked people call us, "fundies?" (That's a derogatory term for "fundamentalist.") I'm sure these fools have a whole vocabulary of other diverse insults to toss around to one another and mock about. Take that vile, Satanic, trashy, Hell-spawned website "FSTDT"(no, don't look it up!). That's all good though, because they are storing up wrath for themselves in the judgment. Indeed they'll wish they had never said those hateful things about God's people, and regret never getting saved.

I had only glanced at the first line of one of these disgusting articles, and the person said this author "has no sense of humor." Well, fool, it pleases God when His child doesn't act like the wicked world! What you say is "funny" is going to irk one who has the Spirit of Christ in them, because they are a new creature, not the old sack of rotting flesh that you are! Christians (not FUNDIES) are born again, living in this wicked world and looking to Christ for help and assurance, and awaiting His soon return in the clouds to rapture us out of this hot mess! 

I have Heaven to look forward to, do you? I am saved, are you? Or are you going to stubbornly and pridefully refuse the love gift God gave to every one of us by sending His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into the world to be killed on a cross and shed His blood for all mankind, because He loved you that much? 

God allows each of us a certain allotment of time on earth. He did this because one, He loved us and wants to fellowship with us, and two, He wants every man, woman and child born again and going to be with Him in Heaven one glad day! Jesus Christ came to earth because He didn't want ANYONE to go to Hell forever when they die. He loved us THAT MUCH! So He died in our place, having obtained the joy that was set for Him after the tortuous suffering of the cross. HE DIED FOR YOU, SINNER! And He died for me too. And everyone else out there too!

Writing this article has changed my attitude. That's the power of God at work! No more complaints, no more skeevy "fundie" articles, just peace of the Lord Jesus Christ. I love Him so much!

Tuesday, November 8, 2022


I did my civic duty today and voted. But I'm not talking about my votes, I'm bringing up that crossdresser that was at the polls a few years ago, (or maybe it was a different one). He was there with his bling and makeup on. And if that wasn't enough, on the table was one of those trash NKJV bibles. 

It doesn't matter what I think about that, I believe God is judging this nation for its countless sins. They want a homosexual crossdresser working at the polls to make it seem right to the gullible public, no problem. They want to plant a garbage New Age Version "bible" to make it look like they're religious to the dumb-downed masses, go for it. Let me tell you something, God is the one allowing all this, and quite frankly, unless this spoiled rotten country truly repents and gets born again, there is absolutely no hope. 

Take this godless world but I know in whom I've believed. Whose side are you on? 

Blood Moon (S)Election Day

I got a notification at about 5am saying excitedly, "Blood Moon Eclipse! Can yoú see it?" So I go outside and look for this so-called blood moon. I did see a faint fuzzy blotch in the sky towards the east, but nothing spectacular. I didn't bother to photograph it because my camera is crap and would have made it even fuzzier than it was. 

I wonder, what is all the hype about a lunar eclipse? So what? And I also saw that it supposedly has to do with election day. That is a bad omen, in my opinion. If an eclipse has to do with election day, that portends very bad news. (Just a side note: if Trump runs again, I'll vote for him.)

Pagans celebrate and observe the cycles of the moon. They worship they know not what. They go along to get along. Watch how many videos show up online from this blood moon fiasco. Again, what's the big deal?

How many pagans woke up and dashed outside to film this phenomenon? Not me, I simply went out because I was curious. It's cold out there. I was glad to climb back into my warm bed. 

Let the heathen film irrelevant videos. God will hold every one of them accountable.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

No JW's at my house!

I have a camera set up outside my door, and it captures everything on video. I was looking through the files and saw a black elderly couple coming up the steps. They looked to be in their 60's. 

The man and his wife were impeccably dressed. He pressed the doorbell button, which unbeknownst to him doesn't work and never has, and waited patiently for an answer. I felt sorry for him. Another file showed his dear wife, who would've rather avoided the concrete steps. They then tried the house next door, which unbeknownst to them was vacant. They then left, no doubt scouring the block for possible victims to lure into their cult. (They get paid for this, did you know that? It's like a commission job. Whatever fools they catch in their web of lies, they earn bucks! No wonder these poor old folks were even here!)

I thought, what a waste. These fine folks could have been Christians going soul winning. The telltale sign was that satchel the man carried. That's how I knew they were Jehovah's Witnesses. They carry around those damnable Watchtower false gospels of hell everywhere they go. Real Christians carry Gospel tracts, not all-out pages and pages of useless, demonic literature.

If I sound somewhat peeved, it's because I have good reason. My father was a Jehovah's Witness until the day he died. He tried to pass those Godless little books on to my mother. She, thankfully, never touched them. My mother was a non-practicing Catholic who never spoke of religion, let alone sat around and talked about it with puppets of the Devil. No, Jehovah's Witnesses are not welcome at my house at all.

I haven't seen these poor cultists since before COVID, simply because nobody was allowed out of their houses because of the lock downs. Apparently going soul-damning (my version of the JWs' and Mormons' version of soul winning, because they don't win souls to Christ, they give them over to the Devil) is not "essential". They, both types of cultists, make a mockery of true Biblical soul winners who really do care about people and where they're going when they die. 

Since these fakes mimic true soul winners, and many people don't want to hear what they say, they won't hear what we Christians say, even when they're faced with the truth. That's how messed up these cultists are. They literally work for Satan, they just don't know it.

I hope this couple quits doing this for pay, especially since they didn't appear to be in the best of health. And even if they were sincere "believers", they're still sincerely wrong because they're preaching a false gospel, even if it's in ignorance.

Sadly, the Devil cares not how old or young you are, if you're not born again by the precious blood of Christ, he's going to use you to drag unsaved people to hell with him. Religion of all kinds for thousands of years has led countless souls to eternal hell fire. I don't buy it. I say, keep your trash out of my door and your cult away from my home. REPENT and believe the Gospel, before it's too late!

Friday, October 21, 2022

I'm removing my website

 My website,, is being deleted by me because I can't afford to leave it up anymore. Times are tough and everything is getting more and more expensive. I don't even know if anyone reads it or even looks at it. But that's all okay because there are other ways and means to write, a.k.a. my blog here, for example.

I would still remove it even if it was getting thousands of views because I can never be sure if anyone who reads it gets saved. I need to work for God in more of a hands-on way, like soul winning with my church group, or passing out tracts. Yes, writing is a powerful means of reaching folks, but I haven't written or posted anything recently regarding reaching people for Christ. Besides, I've grown tired of just consistently typing away without any results (that I know of, that is; only God knows if my work will show any fruit at all).

It feels good to sit here typing though... This brings back so many memories!

I did have a thought. Again, I don't know if this blog gets read, but I'm going to start posting my videos here and in my WordPress blog, which I haven't accessed since February of this year. I need to do something more to get folks thinking about getting saved, because honestly, time is getting short and you never know when you're going to die and meet your Maker. So here's the first video. I hope you like it and please pass it on...


Thursday, August 4, 2022

Don't review anything on Amazon if you're a truth teller

Long title but that's my point. See my previous post about amazon reviews.

I wanted to review an item on Amazon today, but it showed me this ludicrous message about my reviews being "unusual" and "all my reviews have been removed". Cowards!! Thin-skinned, sissified, NWO pushing, gay loving, money worshipping THUGS!! They never mentioned my account being removed, oh no, they still want my money!! Forget it Ama Zombie!! 

I even wanted to post a glowing review for a product that I absolutely love, but nope, these idiots tell me that my reviews are UNUSUAL and they remove every single one, EVEN the good ones. Uh huh. So I wrote them back in a very nice email that they surely must have made a mistake. I'm waiting for the reply right now. They probably won't send it, or it'll be some stupid form letter that some bot sends out. Ugh. I'm so disgusted with AmaZombie!!

Saturday, July 9, 2022

My review was rejected

This is hardly a good reason to put out here but I'm afraid that most people today are too dumbed down to have any kind of sense anymore. 

I posted a review on Amazon for an item that I had wanted to give 5 stars. I like said item, and had nothing but good things to say about it. However some nut reviewed the post I gave and rejected it. I am flabbergasted as to why? Yet one thing occurred to me as to the possible reason. Ready for this?

I mentioned my DAUGHTER.

I don't know much about this "personal pronoun" baloney, which some deem as that you have to call them by a generic name, e.g. "them" instead of "he" or "she". So since I said, my "daughter", that's gender specific and may be offensive to some. Are they serious? Probably, since Amazon rejected my review. 

That has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Wow. I guess I need to be more "careful" what I say. However I'm still going to say "SON" or "DAUGHTER" because that's what right, and it's Biblical too. "Ohh, don't bring that Bible into it?!" Sorry but the Bible is always RIGHT, and everybody else is WRONG. That's the truth.

Monday, July 4, 2022

July Fourth, but what's the point?

I don't understand people at all. Today is the nation's birthday, and with our founding fathers believing the Word of God and the principles of this country were based on solid faith, God has blessed this nation above all others. But now it has become a rotting corpse of corruption, deceit and fleshly lusts, such as l g b t p + and the worship of money. The economy has never been more haywire, the leaders are devil possessed and nobody cares about anyone but themselves. Yet people still want to party and get stoned and drunk, while risking other's lives by driving four wheelers in the dark with no lights on them. Real good reason to celebrate the death of AmeriKa, right? 

I'm so disgusted with this bull crap. I hate this country. I despise the leaders' lies and full blown godlessness. They all worship Satan and money!! Unfortunately I am unable to go anywhere else because I'm not a rich celebrity who leads people to hell. 

I am glad, however, that Jesus Christ has promised in His Word that the later it gets, and the more evil and wicked everyday life becomes, the faster He will come in the clouds to rapture those of us who believe on Him, and we will be taken out of this awful sin cursed world. It can happen any time, but the worse it gets, the more responsible we as God's ambassadors to reach the lost while there is still time. Please, if anyone is reading this now, I ask you, do you know where you're going when you die? Are you saved, washed in the blood of the Lamb, awaiting any moment for Him to come in the clouds to take us home, or are you lost, deceived and damned without hope? I am here to tell you the Good News, that Jesus Christ came to earth to die in your place on the cross, and take away all your sins so you wouldn't have to go to hell. He shed His blood, God's Blood, on that cross and gave His life for you and me so we could have eternal life in Him and be with Him forever in Heaven. 

Do you believe that Jesus Christ died for you tonight? It's not about fireworks, flags or feasting. It's about Jesus Christ and His shed blood for you. Please believe on Him today and be saved!

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Gas prices up up and away

I don't drive but I think the gas prices are being manipulated by evil people who are demon possessed. I know this to be true because every time I see something on fake book mention it, those wicked fact checkers bully their way to the post and mark it as false ínfo. And if the poster keeps putting it on there, they get booted from fake book. I know, I've been there before. Let me say right now, these losers with nothing else to do are the ones who are the manipulators in cahoots with the devils in power that are driving this insanity (no pun intended).

My son works for a rideshare company. Until he finds something else, he has no choice but to have to pay $5 a gallon keep his tank filled, which he uses up as he works, so if he can't earn enough to keep working and keeping his tank full, then he's pretty much screwed. And just in case your head is on the sand, it's really hard to find a job that pays over $18 an hour that's not construction or medical related. 

I'm just sick of all this mess. It could have been avoided entirely if those devils who removed the Bible and prayer from the public schools didn't get away with what they did. But I don't understand the mind of God or why He allows certain things to happen. He knows what He's doing, and I have to trust in Him in evil times like this. Things are not getting better, folks, they are getting worse. You ain't seen nothing yet. 

Come Lord Jesus. Please come quickly.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

The most REPULSIVE video I have ever seen

I feel like I'm gonna throw up. I just saw on YouTube a video (I couldn't watch it) of a man "giving birth" to a baby. I want to say first of all that it's against nature and against God. This is utterly IMPOSSIBLE. Secondly, it's completely against how God created a man. Thirdly, the delusional people who crowd around him are all completely insane and out of their minds. How is this possible?? How is even the IDEA possible??

I am weary of saying the world has gone wacko. I suppose this person had a uterus implanted in his body, and then, obviously, a fertilized egg. Forget the petri dishes and test tubes of decades past, now these eugenicists do real transgender surgery on real human beings. This is a true horror story, one that should be confined to a dusty bookshelf, but shockingly it's as real and in-your-face as sodomy, pedophilia and bestiality. I've never seen anything like this before, and I am stunned to even think it actually happens, most likely every single day..

My next question is, what about the child? You know that kid is not going to be normal in any sense except in the warped, backward, twisted ways that today's homo and tranny generation sinfully stands for. This is utterly appalling, and you'd have to be devil-possessed to think this is a beautiful thing. It's not!! Dear Lord, please intervene on this awfulness!! Please come and put an end to this evil day!!

The reason for all this happening, while these freaks of nature get all the attention, is because the Lord Jesus Christ is about to come in the clouds for His church, and the world must go through this horrible time of wickedness for God's judgment to be fully ripe. In case you haven't noticed, everything is getting worse and worse, just as the Bible said it would. It's because we have totally forgotten God... no, not just forgotten, but God is a distant figment of decades-long ago imagination, or so today's reprobate generation would say. Or more likely, God doesn't exist at all and we're all animals evolved from slime. Yeah, that would ring true for today's mentally-ill generation of idolaters and deceivers.

I once ACCIDENTALLY saw part of a video where two women were vomiting in each other's mouths and eating feces. I thought that was bad-- in fact, to this day I'm still scarred from seeing that-- but this one is completely deranged and satanic. God will not be mocked. These devils who concocted this sick freak show will split hell wide open when they die. I say that with Bible authority.

It's amazing to me that Jesus died for every sinner, knowing full well the depths of depravity the human heart can go. He died even for this trann man. The question is, will he (she) repent and believe on Christ before they die? That's a question only God can answer.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

The "Faggot Institute" has gone cold EVIL

I can't believe what I just saw after looking up the Franklin Institute. It's gone completely New World Order, freakish and satanic. I'm ashamed I was ever a part of this sinful organization. Thank God He got me out of it back in 2020 when the cov1d scare was in ebb. 

They have some nerve to charge over 20 bucks to indoctrinate and twist little kids' minds into something so freakish and evil as the l g b t so-called community of hellbound wretches. Hell will be hot enough for these freaks who lead little children to the lake of fire!!

Can you imagine this insanity? They're having an AFTER HOURS "ball" when the satanic temple of faggs closes so they can prey upon themselves and give over into ungodly lusts. Sodomites beget more sodomites!! And they have this wicked exhibit explaining the meaning of harry Pooper. I'll tell you the meaning of that garbage: It's devil worship! It's WITCHCRAFT!! It's an ABOMINATION in the holy eyes of God!! They can get away with it now, but oh how terrible the Great White Throne judgment for them! None will escape but be cast forever in the depths of a place hotter than the sun and in the very presence of God Almighty!! How's that for an explanation??

I shudder to see kids faces on this site anymore. They're being VICTIMIZED while everybody thinks the FI staff are doing a swell job at "educating" our youth. They're part of the problem. Here's real education, you disgusting den of thieves: God will not tolerate your sin much longer. You have one breath until you may perish from the earth. You will be held accountable for every idle word and deed you say and do. I'm warning you, you better get right with God NOW or else you're in big trouble!!

What happened to the SCIENCE MUSEUM that I once loved?? Where I once volunteered and had such wonderful times? I used to go every weekend to visit here, and I was going every year for a time in my adulthood, but after that c o v I d crap I swore I'd never set a toe inside, let alone sacrifice my money on such a God-hating, hateful, "PRIDE-ful" "establishment." The true Franklin Institute that I once loved is dead, a rotting corpse full of devil's vomit and shame. And this is a licensed, 50c3 (however you call it, a charity) organization?? Are you friggin kidding me??? Parents, you are utter FOOLS if you allow your impressionable children to go there!! Shame on you for being part of the fag problem at the Fag Institute!! Shame on you all!!!!

Friday, April 8, 2022

YouTube monetizing my public videos

Without my knowledge or consent, I find that some of my more viewed videos have ads, thus have been monetized by YouTube. I never see a penny of that money, but instead, whoever clicks on the ad, the money goes straight to the vendor/company. I think that's thievery on the worst scale, using my videos as springboards to more cash in the pockets of these filthy lucre worshipping crooks. They will have much to be held accountable for at the judgment when their schemes and lies are made manifest by Almighty God. He will vindicate me in time, because God will have the last laugh.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Jury Duty Day

After several years I've been called into jury duty. I'm sitting in the jury room with other prospects, already waiting for 3pm to get out of here. I don't enjoy being stuck in this situation, and 9 bucks is hardly worth the time spent simply waiting and more than likely not getting picked for jury service. This is all of the devil and I detest giving him any credit for it. The judicial system is corrupt from the judges on down, and there is absolutely no truth or justice in the courts anymore. It's guilty before presumed innocent, and I hate having any part of it.

Four hours later. Still sitting here waiting. I keep hearing numbers being called to go see the judge one at a time, and when I do I'm telling him that I have short term memory problems and am unable to carry out complex tasks without writing them down first. I also have surgery scheduled on Monday, but that's outside of the two day trial period they're expecting. 

If I get called in for a trial I'll be extremely surprised. That'll prove the system is rigged if they're that desperate for jurors.