Sunday, May 28, 2017

Another "I hate you Silentwitness" spam email from "Tracybot"

Okay so now I'm convinced. I got another one of those stupid spam emails that I spoke of earlier. It's definitely a bot or something not human. It is apparently from someone named Tracy. I'll just call her "Tracybot."

I've seen other seemingly personalized spam emails other than this one, such as "Hey, stop sending me your pictures" or "You've got the wrong address" or some dumb stuff like that. It's called clickbait. You see something that mimics a personalized email so like a sucker you click on the link. Then they've got you!

This is what unsaved heathens do with themselves, they send these ungodly emails and expect you to click on their ungodly links so they can harvest your personal info like your bank account numbers, your address, your location, etc. I get at least 100 of this filth every day. It all gets deleted. I marvel at how gullible people are nowadays. Who cares if "Tracybot" hates me? Good! I don't want any weirdos following me around anyway.

What amazes me is that we continue to divulge our personal info on Facebook, Twitter, etc. and nobody blinks an eye. That's how low we've sunk in the sewer. Good or bad, the internet has us at its mercy. The only way to escape this chain of addiction is to unplug yourself, and that means no more computer, no phone, no electronic vice of any kind. Unfortunately, you've already sent all your private texts and photos and they're floating around out there in the "clouds"... so basically yes, you're done for. That's the pessimist's view.

However since I am a child of the living God, I know there's a reason for everything. The Lord knows what He is doing, and we don't. The secret things belong to God. There is a plan and a purpose for all the junk going on in life today, and that is a direct result of this nation turning its back on Him decades earlier. God said, you don't want Me, so help yourself. We are reaping what we have sown all in the name of sinful vanity.

Even what I type here is being monitored. Our privacy is long gone, folks. We've got Big Brother on our tails all the time now. However, that doesn't mean that this author is going to throw up her hands and give up. I have nothing to hide. I'm going to continue to preach that JESUS SAVES!! And there's nothing that can stop me outside of God's will. The Devil is a DEFEATED FOE.

Friday, May 19, 2017

I just WannaCry! Get a life.

So what is all this turmoil over this ransomware "outbreak"? I did some research on this fearmongering and I've come to a conclusion. It's all in your heads. You make the decision to panic and start running for the hills, but I intend to stand fast and endure for Jesus' sake.

Why do I mention the Name of Jesus? Because He is my everything. He is my Rock, my Savior and my King, and NOTHING can happen to me (or my possessions) outside of His will. I believe His will is to trust in Him, and give Him all my cares, and He will do the rest. I'm not about to wring my hands in despair because the Devil just threw a new trick together and is scaring the daylights out of most people. Remember that Ebola scare?? It was all a sham. I refuse to bow to Satan. My knees bow only to the Lord JESUS CHRIST!!

Besides, I have basically nothing to lose. All my files are either already done away with (by me, by choice), or there's nothing to steal from. I do not save cookies, and I don't understand all that computer rigmarole that these tech wizzes boast of. If I have a problem with my computer, an outdated, on-its-last-legs Windows 7, I ask my computer-savvy sons about it and they tell me what to do. 9 times out of 10, they're right!

Okay, it's mostly big companies, hospitals, delivery modes, airlines, etc. that were affected (or were they?) so it is a big deal. What do you do when you're confronted with disaster? You GET ON YOUR KNEES AND PRAY. Duh! It sounds so simple it's ridiculous, but isn't that what Christianity is today? Something to be mocked, thus avoided? "We can't be part of that Christian stuff. Jesus will not reign over us!"  the world says. That's why the Devil eats you alive. Because all you can see is his junk. You're sheeple. You do whatever everyone else does. You won't stand alone. You refuse to look up and ask Jesus to save your soul from Hell, because you're only into yourself. That's why Satan is having a field day with the worldly masses, because people are dumb sheep that think the world revolves around them. Well, sorry to tell you, it DOESN'T.

What amazes me about the "success" of this ransomware is that people actually fall for it hook line and sinker and pay the "ransom." Give me a break. Are you that dumb so as to spend God's money on trash like this? Those people who put this thing together, whether they're the higher ups or just some bored, stupid teenagers in a garage somewhere; they already know they're done. The Devil is a defeated foe, so if these losers follow him, they've already lost and will be losers forever in the Lake of Fire. Let me get this clear to you, friend: THE DEVIL IS A LIAR!! He comes to KILL, to STEAL, and to DESTROY. Does that ring any bells??

I refuse to cry. I refuse to bend. My heart belongs to Jesus Christ, so let the worst come. My home is in Heaven. Take the world, but give me JESUS. This world is NOT my home!

Salvation is a gift. You do NOT have to be like everyone else. Jesus died for all mankind, so He expects us to receive His gift for free. But woe to all who turn Him away, or corrupt the plan of salvation! You REALIZE you are a sinner bound for Hellfire, because we are born in sin. You REPENT and change your mind and agree with God that you are a sinner. You RECEIVE God's love gift of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ, and that He is in Heaven preparing a place for you if you believe. That's all! Simple yet profound.

Jesus will make you a new creature in Him. Don't put it off. Time is running out. See this page for more: HOW TO BE SAVED

The divorce that wasn't

Years ago, when I first started writing on the internet, I used to send out emails to those whom I met online in Christian chatrooms where I had revival. Then the Lord introduced me to making websites. Through much trial and error, I ended up having a total of  6 websites and blogs. Unfortunately I no longer have them, this blog being my final attempt to spread the Gospel.

These paragraphs below are just one page of what I called my "main site." I called it "Unequally Yoked." It speaks of when I was in turmoil over my marriage. But God in His infinite mercy spared me the terrible end. Read the bottom to understand it better. If you care, then I sincerely thank you for caring. If not, you can leave and don't bother to come back, because what I say may not be to your taste.

Just a thought. The Lord Jesus Christ had me put this site together way back in the year 2004, so now that it's nearly 10 years later, and times do change, I feel a need to update my "Unequally Yoked" page. (I praise the Lord for His keeping this site up for this long.)
As of November 2013... Update...

Let me just be honest, and confess that my husband had not been living with us. As of 2009, the Lord had me as a single parent and in charge of the household. NOT complaining and with NO regrets, I was a mother AND a father to my children (by God's wisdom), I kept the bills straight (by the grace of God), and we still had a roof over our heads (again, by the grace AND MERCY of God). I even learned how to do without certain luxuries and went to a food bank and thrift stores for necessities. God is my Provider. I have no other One to give credit to (certainly not myself) but to the Lord Jesus Christ for His sovereignty and will, and for the powerfully sustaining assurance of the promises He keeps in His Word.

Now my husband has moved back in with us and hasn't any more desire to go anywhere. He sold his then current vehicle and is where he's supposed to be. Last December (2012) he had been in a terrible motorcycle accident  which, by God's grace alone, he survived. We are still "unequally yoked," as he hasn't yet believed on the Lord, but anything can happen. Glory to God. Thank you for praying for us.

If you have read my pages, I hope they were edifying to you. However, things don't always go as we have them planned. Let me just say that I believe God is working, and He WANTS my husband saved and going to heaven. But God works in ways we cannot understand, and it is His will and prerogative to do anything He wants. He is in control! Amen?? This situation was between us and the Lord, but I believe that God did not give us too much to bear, and that prayer is powerful and does work!!

Let me get a little personal here. Even when it seems like we have done all we can do, and we throw up our hands and say, "That's it. I can't take it anymore," my friend, THAT'S when GOD does His miracle-working wonders!! He WANTS us to "let go of the reins," so He can manifest His mighty power in our life! And don't get the silly idea that God wasn't around while you and I were struggling. It was His grace that got you through, and it's by His grace you are where you are now! Amen!  He knows EVERYTHING, and can even see way past this fleeting moment in time to eternity future. 

So how do you know you were alone, or can't continue in the will He has planned for you? How can you assume that all is lost, and you are ready to give up? Don't you believe God is a big God, and He answers big prayers? Just hold on a little longer, and do as you're supposed to do. I hope I am preaching to the choir right now.  

Thanks for stopping by. Boy do I appreciate your company. Keep praying for your spouse to be saved. God NEVER goes back on ONE promise He makes. Just do your part, and He will do His. Amen.


I was made aware that we are going to divorce sometime in the beginning of 2014. I hate divorce because God hates it. I don't know exactly when, but I am shaken about it. My faith is very small in this regard. I don't know what is to become of me after this happens. He said he wouldn't put me out on the street, but that is of little comfort compared to what God would have me to do. I know this is a big prayer request, and I better get on my knees and pray about this situation. God will not leave nor forsake me, of this I am confident, but I need to search the Scriptures and find out what He wants me to do. I will keep this updated. I need a miracle.

Please pray for us.

As of February 6, 2016, my life has taken a turn for the better. After a long battle with many physical trials, he passed away on February 5. His body couldn't take it anymore. I am now single again, a widow, and God is with me and taking care of all my needs. 

Thanks be to God, my husband NEVER divorced me, because he had literally no strength to do so. Even though his girlfriend  had been looking for a house to live in for after he divorced me and married her (yes, I knew about her because he wasn't afraid to boast about her in front of me), I still stood by my husband because it was what God wanted me to do. He had many physical ailments, like diabetes, a wound on his leg that had developed from Agent Orange when he was in the Marines back in the 1960's, among other illnesses. He had also acquired MRSA when he had to be rushed to the hospital after surviving the motorcycle accident. He was a survivor, it's true, but he insisted on living his own way, and he continually rejected the Gospel, so I believe God cut his life short. He had just turned 67 years old when he died. I am now a single and free woman and I have NO intention of ever marrying again. 

As for the girlfriend, I am acquaintances with her, and whenever she comes to visit my kids (yes, they knew about it all along too), I try to be Christlike around her and treat her like a human being, not as a scumbag as I had once thought she was. After all, Jesus died for her too.

As I mentioned before, I write because the Lord wants me to write. I don't get many views, but I like it that way. I hate the crowd scene, where everybody does what everybody else does. That sheeple mindset makes me sick. I LIKE being a loner. I don't have to answer to anyone, but God. Thank You Lord, for setting me free indeed.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Prayer works. Don't give up.

One of the most potent results of living the Christian life is spiritual growth. I cannot go into detail because that would be boasting and I would forfeit rewards in Heaven for what happened today, but I was mightily assured that God does use me, and my prayers are surely heard by Him.

People desperately need the Lord Jesus Christ, Who bled and died on the cross for all mankind that ever lived. I used to think witnessing online for Him was enough, but that is not the case. God wants us to do all we can, when we can, where we can, and He makes sure that we can. He provides opportunities to serve Him and divine appointments to be set up for those to whom He directs us. He never makes mistakes, and He expects us to be obedient servants. However, it is up to each one of us to decide whether to serve Him or not. If we do, God is pleased, we are blessed, and treasures are laid up in Heaven for us. If not, regrets and sore chastening will soon follow.

Something that the Lord constantly reminds me of: Back in 2000, in the beginning of my online ministry, I used to expect immediate results, that people would read my websites through, be instantly convicted, and get saved. It can happen, depending upon the response of a person's willingness to agree with God that they truly are a sinner bound for Hell (repentance), but it doesn't always work that way. God doesn't work for our glory, He works for His own glory. God's timetable is not of us. So don't be discouraged if your soul winning efforts do not produce immediate fruit. He sees you, and is writing everything down. We will all be held accountable for every one of our actions, good or bad.

God is a good, wonderful, patient, all-powerful God. He often causes us to wait on Him. Be persistent in prayer and stay right with Him. He wants us to stay strong soldiers, patiently waiting on His call, and continuing steadfast in prayer and His Word. We will each receive our due reward.

The Name of Jesus Christ be blessed forever. Amen.

Are you born again? Do you know where you are going when you die? Please see this page to find out more. HOW TO BE SAVED

Thursday, May 4, 2017

"I hate you, Silentwitness1370 F U scumbag"

I see my new blog is getting some activity, which I thank God for. I am wasting my time if I post all about myself. I want God to get the glory.

This said, I am going to mention something that probably won't get that much attention. I received in my spam folder this morning an email from someone who seems to hate me very much. The title above pretty much reveals what the subject line said. Since it was spam, I didn't bother to open it but I deleted it. However I can't help but wonder who would send me such a message. I suppose it was indeed a spam message since it wouldn't have been in the spam folder if it didn't have what spam usually has in it, but it makes me wonder still.

I am positive that I am in the will of God when I see things like this. They don't happen often, but I know God tests my faith and at times will allow certain negative obstacles to crop up in my life so He can see which way I will go-- to Him in faith or to myself in self-pity. Of course I give it to Him, even if it is after a bout with my limited mind, but He blesses me in spite of my feelings or emotional faults. Therefore I have learned to welcome such opportunities as a chance to praise God for. So thank You, Lord, even if this was unintended, because You reminded me from Whom all things come, good and bad. I will trust in You always. Amen.

If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. John 15:18

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16