Sunday, January 24, 2021

Coming soon

The cashless society is at the doors. The American cash/credit/debit system is about to be done away with. This is Bible prophecy being fulfilled. 

Cryptocurrency is the next step in transferring money. The covid vaccine, upon injection, will have nanotechnology that, along with all other personal information, allows the subject to conduct monetary transactions via cryptocurrency such as bitcoin. These ways of transactions are done via the internet in a digital environment. There are no more physical transfers of monetary transaction as in transfer of cash, coins or cards.

Since the vaccine and its partner, the immunity passport, will go hand in hand, it will be impossible to possess either without taking the vaccine. Herd immunity may only be achieved through people globally getting the vaccine, and therefore globally buying and selling. It is optional at first, but it becomes mandatory. This vaccine/passport "mark" will enable authorities to recognize who received the vaccine and who didn't. Therefore, those who do not vaccinate are denied ability to buy or sell, because they don't have the immunity passport of cryptocurrency.

This is all a premonition of what is to come. It is not conspiracy theory, it is Bible prophecy playing itself out and culminating in the Rapture of the church and arrival of the Time of Jacob's Trouble. 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Vaccine or no vaccine?

 I must warn whoever is reading now that you do NOT know what the covid vaccine will do to your body. Or do you?

Even if your body seemingly agrees with it, you WILL have repercussions afterward, because it's unproven it will work for everyone, and hasn't been through clinical trials like traditional vaccines were. "mRNA?" That sounds like man-made to me! Do you really want to be a guinea pig for the bigwigs? We're not cattle, so this "herd immunity" is BOGUS! Why say that if people do get sick and die? So much for THEIR immunity!

Even if the vaccines are genuine and MOST people get them without issues, why would there be articles that say it's dangerous and don't take it? How do you tell fake news from real news? You can't! YOU form your own opinion from what you're being fed!

Do you think for a second that Bill Gates wants to save your life? Do you think that Democrats are pushing this down our throats because they CARE? No way, Hosay! We're nothing but CATTLE to them ("HERD immunity")! I hate to be an alarmist but do your own research!!

A friend of mine has a daughter who works in a healthcare system. She had to get the shot because her work demanded it. She was fine with the first vaccine, but she had a fever and was dizzy after the second dose. She had chills and didn't recover for a few days. Now she's better and is back to work, thank God, but I pray mightily that we don't hear any bad news...

I realize that some must take this vaccine because of their work environment. One of the men in my church said he has to get it because of his job. God help those who do. I pray that they're unaffected by the shots. 

You decide. That's all I will say for now.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Biden, LOSER from DAY ONE

 This dude that we "elected" President is a joke. Yes I'm upset, and I use this blog to rant at times. I don't CARE if you hate me or my speech, fact is, you LIBERALS are to blame for the destruction of AMERICA!!

It's because of the selfish, complacent, indifferent, bad attitude and outright immature tantrum-throwing sheeple that we are in this hot mess. On only day TWO of his new presidential status, Biden can't even handle one issue that he said would be handled: the mask-wearing he ordered us to wear for 100 days. He gave up the fight against COVID. So now we're expected to just deal with it, a PANDEMIC that's supposedly getting worse? Are you serious?? This is the Commander in Chief, whose RESPONSIBILITY is to the American people!!!

I think this was all planned out (and it was), because the election WAS stolen and people didn't like the way Trump handled things. I didn't vote for Trump, but I didn't vote for Biden either. That was MY choice.

I believe the Bible. That's my choice also. I say, to Hell with this demonic system. The rest of the world thinks we're lunatics. AmeriKa is a LAUGHINGSTOCK to them. Can you hear Satan laughing?? God is judging us, and if you can't see that, then you're sorry and blinded by the Devil. 

So what's next? Feminist Marxist VP Harris will gladly turn the 25th amendment on her rival, and THEN you watch how ugly, creepy and demon-infested this nation (rather, what's left of it) will get. 

By the way, nearly every person I passed by today when I was out walking was NOT wearing a mask, let alone those driving cars. How many I saw is irrelevant; fact is I saw what I saw. Guess they gave up on wearing masks too, or they were just being rebellious.

I am ashamed of this country. God has given up on AmeriKa. Judgment is falling every day. You better get right with God NOW and get saved before you get left behind and end up worshipping the Antichrist!!

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Paying taxes for abortion????

 I feel like I've been punched in the gut. This article literally knocked the wind out of me. I can't cry, I'm too outraged. 


However, God is over this. I have to remember that it's in His hands. He is allowing this to happen because AmeriKa is full of pride, debauchery and sin. This nation will never be the same now that all Hell is breaking loose. President Biden has much blood on his hands, and more so since this is going on. Thank God for the blood of Jesus Christ, which washed all my sin away!!

All I can say is, COME, LORD JESUS!!!

Are you a Christian, or not?

 Welcome to the first full day of a new Communist nation. Now that President Biden, Mr. Climate Change himself, is in charge, I wonder how long it will be until the true Christians are manifested and persecuted. I wonder how many more taxes will we have to pay for things that were non-taxable. I wonder how many children will want sex change because of peer pressure. And so on.

Sadly, many professed believers are either carnal or not saved at all, because of the false Lordship Salvation movement that chokes the truth and believes the same doctrines as cults such as the Roman Catholics and Jehovah's Witnesses teach. Many people mean well and their intentions are good, but good intentions never led anyone to Christ. Biblical faith for salvation is solely believing on Jesus Christ, that is, His death, burial and resurrection. This is the Gospel which you must believe to be born again and have a home in Heaven.

Our job as believers is to seek and save those which are lost. I may not do personal soulwinning, but I write, and I make sure the Gospel is present in all my writings. It makes me sad that many of my posts are ignored, but I know God sees them all and He will bless my efforts to serve Him. We only need to TRUST and OBEY, because He commands it.

President Biden may be my new President, but he is certainly not my savior. Jesus Christ is my blessed Savior and Lord of my life. I will obey His voice and not mine, even at times when I don't want to. Too long have I wandered and I am unworthy of His grace and forgiveness, but Jesus always has His hand stretched out to rescue me from my problems. He may not take them away completely, but He is always present with me, and He helps me through them all.

Side note: The Inauguration yesterday was in my opinion full of hypocrisy and Devil worship. Every word that was said was rehearsed and pre-planned to convince unruly, stiff-necked AmeriKans that Biden is a good guy, and he wants what's best for our nation. But having a woman Vice President that will soon take over the Presidency is too much. Seeing that demonic Lady Gaga sing the National Anthem was too much. The Jesuit priest that said the benediction prayer was too much. The lies and blatant rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ was just too much. Indeed, God has lifted His hand of protection from us. We only need to wait and see His judgment fall.

One world religion cannot save anyone. Unity will not be true until Jesus Christ reigns on earth in His Millennial Kingdom. God has judged our nation, and now it is up to YOU, the individual, to get right with Him and be saved. Please don't wait any longer. Today is the day of salvation.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

God has withdrawn His hand

 We have a new president. One who is against everything the Bible stands for, especially one God alone. 

During the inauguration, Jesus Christ was avoided like the plague (no pun intended). Therefore, all our rights and most cherished beliefs were thrown under the bus. 

We have no more Constitution, did you know that? (I hope I'm wrong, but probably not.) Therefore, we have no more base for morals. 

We have LGBTQP+ because one gender is considered improper and improbable. 

We have feminism. men who look like women and vice versa, she-men, he-she's and drag queens.

We have green energy (a hoax), because natural fuels cause too much "greenhouse gases" and too many "carbon footprints."

We have animals treated like humans and humans treated like animals. 

We have cashless transactions, because cash means waste, work, and illegal trade.

We have a woman vice-president, soon to be a woman president, a genuine first. 

We have a nation that is dead, and cannot rise again.

God has allowed all this to happen. Why? We have gone too far. We have evaded His Name, evicted His Son, eviscerated His Word, and speak evolution instead of His creation. We have been judged, my friends. 

This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. Daniel 5:26 KJB

America is a free nation no more.

Thanks, Democrats. Hell is moved for your soon coming. 

The one bright spot left is you can still be saved. Today is the day of salvation. God is not willing that ANY one should perish. As long as you have breath in your lungs, you can believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and go to Heaven when you die. Simply tell God that you know you are a sinner deserving of eternal Hell fire. Then believe that Jesus Christ took YOUR place on the cross, that He died, was buried and rose again. If you believe this, you are born again.

The PRETribulation Rapture is very near. Only the Christians will not experience the awfulness of the Time of Jacob's Trouble. Please, don't go to Hell!!

Inauguration Day

 Today is the big day. We have a new President, and I'll leave the rest to God. 

As for ranting about politics, I choose not to because it doesn't make a difference anyway. These evil people are set in their ways and no amount of huffing and puffing I do will matter. Prophecy must come to pass, and that's where I'm leaving it.

I pray that today would have peaceful transition of power (been hearing a lot about that lately, doesn't mean it will happen), and that God keep us safe and out of harm's way. 

Lord, help us Your children to cast our eyes and our cares upon You alone. We trust in You for all things. Thank You for this day, in Jesus' Name, amen.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

An email to a friend...

 I was wondering if you had seen my blog post on Facebook about the vaccine. I also remember asking you about this not long ago, and you had said you want to wait and see. But if you noticed in my post, I referred to a certain passport you need to obtain to prove you received the vaccine. I can't stop thinking that this is a precursor to the mark of the beast, and is a way of conditioning us to get us used to the idea.

Honestly if this wasn't such an issue I'd probably get it. I'd look at it as another kind of flu shot, which no doubt some people see it as. 

I had asked a friend from church about how she felt about the vaccine, and since she had received it because she works in a hospital situation, she told me she was feeling fine. I then told her that I don't want to get it, because there is a 99% curable rate, to which she became firm at me and said that this virus is NOT curable, because so many have died. 

I then told her that the CDC on purpose lumps the deaths of PIC (pneumonia, influenza and covid) together to inflate the numbers and scare everyone. She must have thought I was crazy. I wasn't getting through to her as we were on opposite sides of the spectrum. She is a good friend of mine and she is level-headed. I can't see her being taken in by anything dishonest. But then again, we are all sinners...

I am so tired of all the politics and rhetoric. It's got me gaining weight because I don't walk much anymore and am tempted to eat. My sons are constantly taking their temperatures every time the house feels too warm. I'm tired of all this, and now I have to worry about some Godless idiot writer at the daily beast saying he doesn't want any anti-vaxxer crossing his path so he has to "swim in their viral discharge." I'm so angry at that garbage. Who is he to judge? It's not fair. 

I already hate Biden, because he's pro-anti-Bible everything. I started listening to Now the End Begins podcasts and it's got me fired up to no end. Now the gays are going to have more free reign than ever. I feel so bad for the children and little babies born into this nightmare scenario. My best friend is on the edge every day, and is always asking me to pray for her. 

I hate living like this. These are truly the last of the last days. I am thankful for what God has given me, but I'm upset and I can't think straight. Will I end up in a FEMA camp because I refused the vaccine??? If I give in and get the vaccine, will God be angry with me?? 

Help me. Pray for me please, my friend. I am at my wit's end. (crying)

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

I hate the news...

 I can't believe what I've been doing lately. Ever since the riots at the Capitol Building, and of course COVID, I find myself glancing at news headlines. Do I have to say that I am revolted and disgusted? 

I never used to pay attention to the news, because it's all lies and propaganda. You won't find anything truthful or wholesome in the news, because they love money, and they don't care how they get it: how many lives are ruined, how much they can exploit, and how far they are from God. That's why I call them "PRESStitutes."

People worship anything and everybody except the One Who alone deserves and is worthy of worship: GOD ALMIGHTY; as in, the God of the King James Bible. It may look as though they're getting away with it now, but those people WILL be held severely accountable by the God they've trashed and spurned. The day WILL come, friend, when you will stand alone and naked before God and the Great White Throne judgment. 

Why do you delay being born again? Pride? Love for your sins? Selfishness and self-centeredness? That's what these newsmedia whores are like. You are headed for the same Lake of Fire as they are. No one is exempt. Either believe ON the Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for YOU on a cruel cross, was buried, and rose again, or you WILL be damned to eternal Hell fire forever. Let me break it down for you. It's either JESUS, or HELL!!

Time will not stop for you. The money will cease at death. The partying will end. The drugs and alcohol will run out. The careless indifference and disdain you showed to others is being written down in the books. Every sin you ever committed is being recorded. Judgment is waiting for you. One common denominator in every life is that it ENDS. You WILL die one day-- and where will you end up? 

And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Hebrews 9:27

Have you ever thought about your eternal, immortal soul? Do you realize that your soul remains alive forever? That your soul cannot die? After your body dies, your soul will go to either one of two places where it will remain for ever and ever: Heaven, if you are born again, or Hell, if you FAIL to be born again? 

God is NOT willing that anyone should perish. That's why He sent His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to earth to die for the sins of the world. That's why He came, and was the God-man, God incarnate. Now He sits at the right hand of the Father, interceding for every one of His children. 

God is good, and He is the only One good. We deserve Hell, every one of us, but God sent His Son for us to redeem us out of this evil world and worship and serve Him. Will you believe on Jesus Christ and be saved, before it's too late?

Friday, January 8, 2021

"Chaplain" praying for Congress

 This is one of the most blasphemous, irreverent videos I've ever seen. This weirdo "chaplain" ends his Godless prayer with "A-man, and a-woman." 

Daily Congress (Blasphemous) Prayer 

What kind of crap is that? You see plainly, my friend, the reprobate state and utter disregard for both God and the holy privilege of prayer, and in the very place where God USED to be respected and revered. These are our LAWMAKERS spewing this filth, and they're as lost as the Devil himself. God did not, and refuses, to hear prayer from heathen people like this. He may as well have prayed to the Devil, which in reality he was!!

He prays "if we have your favor..." Well, God doesn't favor heathen fakes like this, He favors those with a contrite and repentant heart. This is garbage that the world loves to hear: ear-tickling, back-scratching garbage. There is no truth or conviction in people anymore, and they love to have it so!

0:32 "...our rollercoaster representative government..." Huh? He admits that there's something wrong with the government right there. Why did he call it a "rollercoaster"? Because he knows, and is part of, a government that sways back and forth like a drunk man, changes their mind about truth and lies, and is basically wayward, like the people in charge. God is not pleased with this prayer, nor is He with the government!!

0:38 "the members of this august body (who says "august" anymore) acknowledge your sacred supremacy..." (oh really? he's referring to the supremacy of the Devil). 

0:45 "...relying dangerously on our own fallible nature." In other words, he is a humanist, because he says we're relying DANGEROUSLY on our SINFUL fallible nature, INSTEAD of seeking God's face and submitting to His Word. In other words, we can do what we want, when we want, and how we want, and we like to LIVE dangerously [AND "F*&@" YOU, GOD!!] You think the Almighty will hear such a selfish "prayer", let alone ANSWER IT??

0:49 "God..." Ever notice when these spiritual frauds pray, they always refer to the Almighty as just "God"? They NEVER say, "Lord" or "Lord God" because they don't know God, and choose not to know God. They pray to any god except the one true God, so he could be praying to Allah or Apollo. Even the Pharisee who "prayed" in Luke 18:11 called Him "God", but that's the telltale language of the lost. Saved people know they are His children and pray to the "Lord," or "Lord Jesus" because JESUS IS GOD!! 

1:21 he refers to "priestly presence..." What priestly presence is he talking about? Priestly, as in Catholic, because he surely cannot mean the High Priesthood of the Lord Jesus Christ!

1:31 "... our service here.... unworthy of this high office" referring to Congress. Well let's see, how many acts are unworthy of this high office? Homosexual rights? Abortion? Treason? Sure. Add more off the top of YOUR head.

Near the end he mentions peace. There will be no peace until Jesus comes back and does away with every reprobate sinner, and removes every spot and stain on this earth with the sharp two-edged sword.

He ends it with "we ask it in the name of the monotheistic god". Okay, that's a mouthful. Who calls God monotheistic? Maybe that was a poke to those who lean toward polytheism. 

2:19 he says "god known by many names and many different faiths." THAT was the clincher!! This man is not born again!! And I bet people laughed as he ended with "A-MAN, AND A WOMAN." BARF!!!!

This so-called "prayer" will not be answered. God wasn't a million miles from this flesh-flattering drivel. It wasn't from the heart, nor was it truthful. It wasn't based in Scripture. Real, Biblical, God-honoring prayer is from the heart, from a sinner who knows they don't deserve God's mercy. This speech was a rehearsed script, read from a piece of paper, and it didn't move Heaven one inch. This kind of lukewarm talking leads people straight to Hell.

Jesus Christ is the Truth. God will NOT be mocked. Modern day Pharisees like E"woman"uel Cleaver will be cast into the Lake of Fire unless they truly repent by BELIEVING THE GOSPEL, the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN!!

Thursday, January 7, 2021

CSPAN and Capitol Crime

Last night my son and I watched CSPAN for the Georgia ballot runoffs, curious to find out which side would hold out for the Senate and House. Now I never watch CSPAN or indulge in any political news, but I felt this was too important to miss. 

However, it came as an unwelcome surprise when suddenly we saw people breaking into the Capitol building and congregating out on the steps, waving all kinds of American flags and expressing their ire at Biden being official President-elect. I heard them referred to as everything from "Trump-supporters" to "civil terrorists." What I wondered at was, why weren't there police out there stopping them? And some Capitol police actually allowed these perpetrators inside the grounds?? Is something off here?

Don't quote me on this, but I believe these people were either tired of being under the bootheel of the COVID restrictions and wanted to get their anger out on those in authority, or they're misguided and probably wanted money and publicity to show off their support for Trump and hatred for the election result. But why tear up the Capitol building, when it's one of the most heavily guarded properties in America? Did they intend to kill anyone, because one poor woman did die from all this fiasco? I think they acted like demonic teenage gang members out to impress one another and Trump (and Satan was much pleased too, I might add). I agree with all who said they ought to be put behind bars. And apparently Trump liked the attention. I don't like Trump at all, but I'll keep my comments about him to myself. God will handle President Trump.

In my opinion, these people were paid to commit these acts of violence on the very spot where for centuries Congress peacefully determined the outcome of elections. I think they were either coerced, volunteered or even bribed to participate, having been told in secret that some in power wanted this to happen. I wonder how long this riot was in the works, and how those fanatics planned this out-- especially the ones who allowed these rioters inside the supposedly secure Capitol grounds. And when the riot police and National Guard did show up, they only told them to get off the Capitol steps and go home; not one arrest was made and no one was held accountable (that I know of). The whole thing stinks to high heaven, reeking of Satan's devices.

I heard also that this is unlikely behavior for conservatists. We're used to the left and liberals making an ungodly fuss, but the right? The ones who think things through and are steeped in preserving the Constitution and civil rights? Why all of sudden do these people come out of nowhere and shamefully shirk off any decency that conservative people have? This was a stain on our government system that will never be erased until Jesus comes back. And Vice President Pence had to be the one to break the 50/50 tie in the Senate. That is a first as well. 

Then again, this is all prophecy being fulfilled...

So many things are happening right now, and it only makes me want to pray more and trust in God to get us through. If there is one consolation in the midst of all this evil, it is God Who cannot lie, Who does not change his mind, and Who is watching. 

The hour is late, and Jesus is coming to catch us away in the air. Are you saved? Are you ready for Jesus' return? See this page for how to be born again.