Saturday, January 16, 2021

An email to a friend...

 I was wondering if you had seen my blog post on Facebook about the vaccine. I also remember asking you about this not long ago, and you had said you want to wait and see. But if you noticed in my post, I referred to a certain passport you need to obtain to prove you received the vaccine. I can't stop thinking that this is a precursor to the mark of the beast, and is a way of conditioning us to get us used to the idea.

Honestly if this wasn't such an issue I'd probably get it. I'd look at it as another kind of flu shot, which no doubt some people see it as. 

I had asked a friend from church about how she felt about the vaccine, and since she had received it because she works in a hospital situation, she told me she was feeling fine. I then told her that I don't want to get it, because there is a 99% curable rate, to which she became firm at me and said that this virus is NOT curable, because so many have died. 

I then told her that the CDC on purpose lumps the deaths of PIC (pneumonia, influenza and covid) together to inflate the numbers and scare everyone. She must have thought I was crazy. I wasn't getting through to her as we were on opposite sides of the spectrum. She is a good friend of mine and she is level-headed. I can't see her being taken in by anything dishonest. But then again, we are all sinners...

I am so tired of all the politics and rhetoric. It's got me gaining weight because I don't walk much anymore and am tempted to eat. My sons are constantly taking their temperatures every time the house feels too warm. I'm tired of all this, and now I have to worry about some Godless idiot writer at the daily beast saying he doesn't want any anti-vaxxer crossing his path so he has to "swim in their viral discharge." I'm so angry at that garbage. Who is he to judge? It's not fair. 

I already hate Biden, because he's pro-anti-Bible everything. I started listening to Now the End Begins podcasts and it's got me fired up to no end. Now the gays are going to have more free reign than ever. I feel so bad for the children and little babies born into this nightmare scenario. My best friend is on the edge every day, and is always asking me to pray for her. 

I hate living like this. These are truly the last of the last days. I am thankful for what God has given me, but I'm upset and I can't think straight. Will I end up in a FEMA camp because I refused the vaccine??? If I give in and get the vaccine, will God be angry with me?? 

Help me. Pray for me please, my friend. I am at my wit's end. (crying)