Friday, March 10, 2017

Writer's block has been cast aside

I'm thanking the Lord today because He gave me this blog to write in. I can add as many or as few posts as I please. I had by no means quit blogging altogether, but I had to step aside because I had for private reasons deleted my former blog at Wordpress. I spent over three years posting there but God closed the door on it. Yet I am thankful that this one is available for me to write in so I can testify of the love and power of God Almighty to this steadily darkening world.

I had a previous blog here at Blogger but it was temporary as well. Those posts were copied and pasted to my former Wordpress blog, but as I said, that is no longer in existence. I feel a bit convicted about that, but if God can renew my spirit and show His new mercies every morning, then I am certain that He can still use me here. God opens doors and closes doors. I strongly believe this blog is another door that He has opened for me so He can use me here as well.

My it feels so good to be writing again at last. I have always wanted to write ever since I was a small child. I would imagine conversations in my mind with Jesus Christ, even though I didn't have a clue Who He was. I was not saved until I was 14 years old when I was watching the 700 Club on TV one day when I was supposed to be in school.

God, I wish I kept that blog now! Every testimony I ever held was on there. Forgive me, Lord. Yet I know You are not finished with me yet. Please use me here, I beg of You, in Jesus Name!

These videos are all that's left of my Wordpress blog. I was reading them aloud to those who were curious. God bless you.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Praying, praising, worshipping the one true God tonight

I'm so glad tonight that God answers prayer. I'm glad that He hears every thought in our mind and word on our lips, even before we think or speak it!

I am praying for my family to get saved and come back to church. If I fail to do so, I feel dirty, sinful, and I know I displeased God. The Lord Jesus Christ bled and died for them too, and for all mankind. How can I not pray for the ones closest to me? 

I praise God freely tonight and without hesitation that He is a good God, gracious, longsuffering and loving. He supplies my every need. He is the God of umpteen chances.

I read the Bible and every day it is a continual feast. His Word is so powerful and piercing that I can't get enough. Awesome, omnipotent and wonderful, the Author of this holy Book is the very One Who saved my soul from Hell fire. Praise the mighty, saving Name of Jesus!

I thank the Lord that His mighty angel guards me while I sleep, and if it is His will, He will awake me in the morning to thank and serve Him again.

I have so much more to thank and praise the Lord, but time is precious and mere words cannot contain the love I have for my Savior. Thank You Lord Jesus for saving my soul!

Have you thanked God today? Are you born again? Do you want a relationship with the God Who makes all things new, His Name being the Lord Jesus Christ? You can know Him right now if you choose to. See this link for more.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

God has given me a new day...

...and I am thankful for His bounteous mercy and grace. I don't know what will come to pass in the next 24 hours, but I intend to stay close to God and depend solely on Him.

Church tonight! I look forward to feasting and fellowship.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Help me, God!

Have you ever been in a situation when you wanted so badly to have something but it was out of reach? When all you can do is cry out to God to help you and lead you in His plain path instead of going in your own feeble strength to attain what you desire? When you crave the will of God in all life's matters but you're oh so tempted to go your own way and risk stepping out of that safe zone and the disapproval of the Almighty?

 What time I am afraid (or uncertain, or hopeless, or anxious, or tempted), I will trust in thee. Psalm 56:3

Crossing guard??

I was out walking my dog when I noticed that the four way traffic light on my street was stuck. I went home and reported the problem in the Streets Department website. Then under compulsion, I found myself going back out and directing the traffic past the dangerous intersection.

I felt so out of place standing in the intersection, shouting, "Light's broken!" and waving by each vehicle. No doubt some people thought I was a crazy woman high on drugs, but I was safe in the arms of the Lord. I did this for about 20 minutes until a police van drove towards me and the driver asked me to get out of the street. He said he would send someone to fix the problem, so I gladly obliged, not wanting to get in legal trouble.

I care about others. I knew many people just wanted to get home. The reason why I did this was because I didn't want anyone to get hurt or even killed. God only knows what would've happened if I hadn't "stood in the gap" for those many drivers. They couldn't see past the intersection, and they were blowing their horns in frustration. I couldn't just not do anything. If it was me driving, I would want to get past safely too.

I had the blessing of some folks gratefully waving by and thanking me for my heroic efforts. I also thought I could have called 911 and reported the instance. Maybe next time. I do live in the city.

Lord I pray that you protect those drivers and keep the intersection free of other incident until the proper authorities come and repair those lights. Thank You, Lord, in Jesus' Name, amen.

Note: I just observed that the traffic lights in that intersection are flashing. Thank God.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Lonely but not alone

I feel so lonely. I haven't enjoyed the company of a man in years. I never understood men, and not one ever understood me. I'm so glad the Lord Jesus knows me more than anyone could.

Sometimes I just want to get alone with Jesus and tell Him how I feel. I want to go somewhere where there's no distractions, just to get a hold of God and give Him my cares. Thankfully I don't have to go anywhere physically, I can meet with Him in my heart.

Since I am a widow, I tend to enjoy being alone, but it gets too much at times. I do not seek a man friend, I have the Lord Jesus. He is my best Friend. Jesus is a Friend which sticketh closer than a brother.

I must remember how blessed I am. I am a child of Almighty God. I can pray, I can read God's Word, and I can go to Him as many times as I need to, and He will never tire of me asking for anything.

Right now a big desire of my heart is much in my prayers, yet I must give it to God if I want to see Him work. God is able, I am not. I am nothing without the Lord Jesus.

Thank You, Lord, for lifting me up. I put all my trust in You.