Friday, October 21, 2022

I'm removing my website

 My website,, is being deleted by me because I can't afford to leave it up anymore. Times are tough and everything is getting more and more expensive. I don't even know if anyone reads it or even looks at it. But that's all okay because there are other ways and means to write, a.k.a. my blog here, for example.

I would still remove it even if it was getting thousands of views because I can never be sure if anyone who reads it gets saved. I need to work for God in more of a hands-on way, like soul winning with my church group, or passing out tracts. Yes, writing is a powerful means of reaching folks, but I haven't written or posted anything recently regarding reaching people for Christ. Besides, I've grown tired of just consistently typing away without any results (that I know of, that is; only God knows if my work will show any fruit at all).

It feels good to sit here typing though... This brings back so many memories!

I did have a thought. Again, I don't know if this blog gets read, but I'm going to start posting my videos here and in my WordPress blog, which I haven't accessed since February of this year. I need to do something more to get folks thinking about getting saved, because honestly, time is getting short and you never know when you're going to die and meet your Maker. So here's the first video. I hope you like it and please pass it on...