Friday, October 29, 2021

Facebook now called Meta???

You'd have to be blind (and sadly many are) not to notice the scary and sudden changes this world is going through. It's as if the world is in labor to give birth to a sickly deformed child. Our "president" is less than desirable and our nation is in chaos. You have to think, what's next? When will all this end? Well, be sure, it's not going to be positive or good, and as for it ending, only Jesus Christ can do that. But you have to know Him first to see that it's all planned.

So fake book is taking on a new alias, called Meta. That's short for "metaverse;" in other words it all has to do with this new wacky, mind melting virtual artificial world internet madmen like Schmuckerberg are cooking up. Fake book (that's how I call it now) wants not only all your info (that was the easy part) but your very brain waves too. They want to tell you what to see, what to feel, what to think, how to react; in short, they want your very SOUL.

I'm sure there's other sites (an understatement) that want to do the same thing, but since this can of red fiery worms leads the way, of course they get the credit and all the accolades first. Mark is having a very busy time serving his new world order satanic masters, and woe to him should he fail to bring his sacrifice of a billion souls to his lord Satan. 

Just as a side note, I had ordered food from a local pizza place and for some reason, they wanted to see my ID. I am a frequent customer, so they know me. I can understand if I used a credit card, but a debit card? That's never happened before. The delivery guy said he didn't know why when I asked. I thought, what next? I order pizza and they demand a vaccine passport ID? Well, that may not be too far down the line. It just gives me the creeps. Truly the world I grew up in is fading fast. 

I'm so glad I have the Lord Jesus to get me through these unnerving times. Do you want to have peace in this ungodly world? Then call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ to save your vile soul from Hell. He's waiting. Click here:

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Not one

I went out and attempted to pass out tracts this morning, just as I do while walking for exercise. However, not one person I offered them to accepted them. 

Usually more people receive the tracts than reject them. This time I had three tracts in one, so I assume that these folks either saw the multiple content I was handing them and decided not to bother, or they altogether had zero interest in what I put forward as "true peace in the world." It's so sad.

My only comfort at this repetitive rejection was the Lord gently speaking to my heart, saying, "You did good. Keep doing it. I am with you whether they take the message or not. You are doing the right thing, and I am pleased with your efforts." I am therefore confident that Jesus will reward me when I see Him at the judgment seat of Christ. 

There is blessing in obeying the Lord. I may not do much or be very vocal or social when I pass out tracts, I only know that I try my best to please God. And i intend to keep it up as long as He allows.