Monday, September 14, 2020

Goodbye forever, WordPress

 Well, I'm back on Blogger again. I just deleted my Wordpress blog, and have no intentions of returning. 

I'm happy I have this blog to post in, even though my blogging has been in absentia for months. I don't feel intimidated here, seeing that you don't know who's following you (other than the all seeing Google). 

There were a lot of characters following the Wordpress blog, but now I can't see them and they can't see me. Some of them had really goofy names, and a couple were only there to mock me, I'm sure. I was getting only one visitor a day for months. I did have a few friends there, and I wish I could have contacted them before I made this decision, but oh well. The Lord puts people in your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. 

So here's to Blogger. I hope that I start writing again, and I am thankful for this blog.