Saturday, October 31, 2020

No HELL-oween for me!

So another October 31st has rolled around, and I look forward to November 1st just for it to be all over. Nonetheless, it's a beautiful, cool, sunny morning and I will do as I do every other day God allows me to wake up and live: I will be THANKFUL and trust in Him to take care of me.

I look around and see all kinds of disgusting, ugly HELLoween decorations on people's lawns. I've seen everything from scarecrows to all out mock burial sites with an ugly mask at the head, burlap for the dirt, and bony feet. What next? Knife wounds? Fake blood spattered all over the house? Mock chalk marks in the street? It wouldn't surprise me, but the thought of it makes me ill.

I remember putting up stuff for Halloween years ago when my kids were small: pumpkins, little paper ghosts, spider webs complete with little plastic spider rings, and my former favorite, the wind-sock type of paper decor you put on your fence or awning. However, it's been many years since I've done so because I decided that I no longer want to give glory to Satan in any way on October 31st. I refuse to answer the door when trick or treaters knock at night. Enough deceived people do it, but that doesn't mean I'm part of their crowd.

Over the years I've seen a difference in age for trick-or-treaters. I've seen teenagers dressed up like zombies and Frankensteins (and worse) walking the streets like demon-possessed heathens. One thing that really riles me up is seeing moms dressed up like witches or fairies cradling their costumed infants, all because they want to show off their devotion to Satan on Devil's Night, vicariously sacrificing their babies to the Devil. You say, "No I don't?" You are a LIAR! 

Yeah I'm preaching here!! Nobody wants to be left out of the "celebration" and "fun," do they? "It's just harmless fun!" "My kids love it!" Well, your kids will grow up Godless Christ-rejecters because you refuse to teach them NOT to go out on HELLoween night, and other sins you refuse to own up to as parents. And you better check that candy after they get home because God knows how much has been tampered with. Am I meddling? You know it!! 

I despise every bit of HELLoween. I turn all the lights off, I shut the curtains, I lock the doors, and I refuse to answer any knocks. I don't buy candy for little ingrates to devour. I don't plaster my front yard with ungodly filth from Walmart. As far as you're concerned, I'M NOT HOME!! You can have all your Satanic HELLoween garbage. Jesus Christ lives here, not the Devil!!