Tuesday, November 3, 2020


I did my civic duty today and went out to vote for the next President & Co. It gave me a foul taste in my mouth just to approach the door, but at least I was spared from waiting in line.

As I prepared to cast my vote, I signed in care of a friendly cross-dressing man in a tight leopard print shirt, gold hoop earrings and a black mask. He was friendly, but I wonder how friendly he would have been if I asked him about his choice of attire. There were no NIV fake bibles on the tables this time-- not like last year when they were littered all over as if some overpious Lordship Salvationist had a glory fit. The crossdresser probably threw them out, which would have been at least one merit he had, in my opinion. My mind had thoughts of where his hands might have been before he handed me the pen to sign my name on the register. Which rest room did he use? Maybe both, depending on which one made him feel more or less like a woman? But I kept my mouth shut because that would have been immature, plus I wanted to do what I had to do and just get out of there as quickly as possible. They probably would have told me to leave anyway.

I carefully comprised my votes, based on the research I had done in preparation for this historic, awkward moment, and when I emerged from the booth, the friendly crossdresser handed me a sticker which proudly boasted, "I VOTED!" Yay. 

No, I am not going to divulge which candidates I voted for. The point is, I did my duty as a God-fearing Christian and a citizen of AmeriKa. Just because I obey God doesn't mean I have to like the world, because I don't. I vote my conscience, and I believe God honors that.

Here's an article I wrote for last year's voting day for my website, and was shared with a good friend's website. I VOTED TODAY