Tuesday, May 9, 2023

A sad world we live in

 I see hardly anyone reads my posts here. I've been writing in blogs since the early days of the 2000's, and I imagine that the reason why my blogs are barely read is because I no longer post them to Fake book, as I refuse to go back there because they are so corrupt and hypocritical. Anyway I decided to post today because of a strange occurrence that happened yesterday at my dentist appointment. So if you're here and you're interested, read on.

I was expecting to get a deep cleaning for my teeth, and after waiting 45 minutes in the waiting area, I was called back. Once in the chair, I was given X-rays to show the current condition of my teeth. Soon after, the dentist came in and examined the X-rays. He then moved his face near to mine (I was lying back in the chair) and said Hello, which I thought was slightly creepy. He asked me a couple questions, such as, did I have any recent surgeries, which I informed him that I had two. He then proceeded to clean my teeth, not a deep cleaning but a regular cleaning since he said he was giving me the "maintenance" as opposed to a deep cleaning. I felt relieved at this, since I hate those novocain needles, but I was puzzled as to why I needed a maintenance cleaning at all if I needed a deep cleaning.

When he was finished, he spoke to me about the X-rays, saying there were a couple teeth that had pit-like impressions in the sides. He called it "composite," a residue that he claimed was because of my fillings. Here's where it got weird. I told him I never had any fillings put in at all. Never in my life had I one single cavity that would need a filling. He said this a number of times about the "composite" deposits, and that they were because of fillings. I retorted, repeating that I NEVER HAD ANY FILLINGS. To this, he did a "smack my head" gesture, saying that's what he saw and that what I, the PATIENT, said to the direct contrary. He looked like he was utterly exasperated. It was then that I knew I was never going back to this dentist, and that I'm getting a second opinion at another dentist. I wonder if this guy even saw any fillings in my teeth while he cleaned them??

I'm going to get my X-rays copied this morning with the intention of taking them somewhere else. I'm not going to this dentist anymore, because their service was once terrific and I was satisfied with it, but this guy made me look stupid and weird. Forget them. They get enough business from other suckers so they can do without me.

The world today is so frustrating and odd. Everything's backwards and wrong. Nowadays you go somewhere that you've always depended on for good service, and you end up getting screwed. What is wrong with people today?? What happened to decency and hard work? What happened to getting the job done right, and not caring about how much you get paid?? 

My son said this guy was just trying to make money. That's so true and sad. It just makes me think how many others are being taken advantage of and used for gain. I tell you, if you believe the devil doesn't exist, you're a darn FOOL, because every evil and ill work is done by him. He's got billions of souls on the path to destruction, and they're so blinded by him they think and live like they're doing the right thing. 

The Bible says in the last days men will call evil good and good evil. If you have eyes to see and ears to hear, you WILL agree that the world is getting more and more wicked by the minute. Even lost people are flabbergasted at how things have so vastly changed for the worse. The devil knows his time is running out, so he's trying to drag as many people's souls to hell with him. But God knew all about this from before time began. He allowed this because He had a plan to send His only begotten Son, the Lord JESUS CHRIST, into the world to save man from his sins. 

God knows everything, my hesitant reader. He even knows your heart condition if you've read this far (or if you didn't). God Almighty knows ALL. He sent His Son to die for YOU on a cruel, rugged cross to take YOUR sins upon Himself, and to offer His righteous soul to be condemned in your place. He did this because He loved you so much that He doesn't want you to go to hell. 

Please, if you've read this far, I plead with you, don't lose this opportunity to be born again. You must realize that you are a wretched sinner, and that you are bound for hell where the wicked and lost go when they die. Do you want to spend eternity in a place where you'll never escape the fire and torment of eternal separation from God? Or would you rather call upon the Name of JESUS, crying out to Him to save your soul from hell? 

Jesus did all this for you, my friend. Please go to Him and BELIEVE that He DIED, was BURIED, and ROSE AGAIN. This is not a religion nor a hoax, but the Bible truth. If you want to go to heaven and avoid the torments of hell, you MUST be born again by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do it now, before it's too late!

Email me if you have any questions: silentwitness1370@gmail.com