Thursday, May 25, 2023

My post was "put behind a warning"

 So out of the clear blue I get this email from Blogger that one of my posts from 2021 was put behind a warning...

Your post titled "Georgia ballot counting day?" has been put behind a warning for readers

 Give me a break. Why that one post all of a sudden, two years later? I wonder, what other choice posts will be put behind a warning, because I know I can get rough. Truth is hate to those who hate the truth, and that is more than obvious on the internet.

I wrote this post without apology, and will continue to write more posts as such. It doesn't matter to me if someone is offended, I post the truth because the truth is offensive and it gets people's backs up. Somebody needs to speak up and expose the evils of today! Why should I cave in and go along to get along? No reason whatsoever. If you don't like what I post, then please go elsewhere, because obviously your point of view vastly differs from mine.

It made me so angry a few weeks ago when that Hell spawn YouTube just flat out deleted my Hindsight Is 2020 channel for no reason, and now I discover Blogger is just as thin-skinned and weak as its cousin YouTube. Dirty devils! You're ripe for judgment in the end because you have much blood on your hands. Don't say I didn't warn you.