Thursday, January 16, 2020

God's Grace

In the Old Testament, God showed His people signs and wonders, and the prophets were used mightily of Him. In those days, God's Holy Ghost did not yet indwell those who sought Him out, but He came and went. I thought, how thankful we ought to be, in this age of grace, that the Holy Spirit indwells us as born again believers. We can and will never be without Him. He sees, goes with, and knows everything about us.

How powerfully it hits home with me when I remember that since I am born again, I can have the full assurance, presence and power of the Holy Ghost AT ALL TIMES. Even when I stray or sin against Him, He doesn't cast me out-- on the contrary, He steadies me and keeps me safe and sane. What an awesome God.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Facebook is for liars and pretenders

I think FAKEBOOK is just that, for fakes. People ask to be your "friend," then they vanish, and you never hear from them. How do people have thousands of friends and deal with that? Simple. Because 99% of them never show up on their timeline.

Other than the four or five real friends (as of today, I have 81 in all) who stay in contact with me on my Facebook list, I never hear from anyone else. So yes, I'm very disappointed in Facebook. What did I expect from the world anyway?

I was actually on the verge of creating a Facebook Fundraiser to raise funds for a certain goal I am praying for. But God is not in that, because He is protecting me from fraud and the previously mentioned liars that infest FAKEbook. Besides, why would I tell THE WHOLE WORLD (FB Fundraisers are PUBLIC) AND Facebook itself, my whole poor-mouthing business? I'd be revealing all kinds of sensitive information, like my BANK ACCOUNT NUMBERS, which God forbid I put anywhere on DEVILbook!! What's wrong with waiting it out and trusting in God? I'm the impatient one. Shame on me, but to GOD be the glory. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and He cares about me, because I am His child.

I hate Facebook, and I hate it more every day. I hate how it sucks the life out of people and encourages dishonesty and ruin. Fakebook is of THE WORLD, and the Lord Jesus Christ WILL do away with it one glad day along with all the other sinful devices the Devil has out there. I'm on the Lord's side. It's about time I showed it.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Website views dwindling

I took a look at my website stats today, and I noticed that my visitors are lessening. I had my site published in late November, so here it's mid-January and already there's a decline. Honestly, though, I don't care about numbers, as long as SOMEBODY comes by and reads my site. I only look for one or two, and anything else is a bonus. So I'm not complaining about not enough numbers, I'm glad to receive what I get, and perhaps the Lord will bring more visitors.

I wish I could add more to my webpages but unfortunately I am somewhat unlearned in the field of technicalities. I believe God put my site up the way it is, and closed the door to me about adding more content. Why is not for me to ask. It is what it is, and besides, I have two blogs to write in. So I'm not perplexed about the content amount, I simply trust in the Lord to provide. So be it, I am thankful for all He has done.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Another righteous rant

I'm angry. Seems like I'm angry a lot these days. Why am I angry? Because God is angry at our nation. We now live in a Communist Police State! Here's a post for you trolls to spread around and copy to your other devil friends!! Let me break it down for you.
  1. Our public schools indoctrinate our children. Yes, I said INDOCTRINATE, a.k.a. BRAINWASH, our next generation. Why in God's Name do you think our young people are so wild and act like hoodlums? Because that's what the higher powers want! Evolution, New Age literature, "gay rights", homosexual training, and many other unseemly subjects are being forced on YOUR children... and you do absolutely nothing about it.
  2. Mass addictions. I'm not just talking about drugs in the sense of hard stuff like heroin or crack. I'm talking about CIGARETTES. I'm talking about ALCOHOL. I'm talking about the OPIOID CRISIS. Stuff the average nobody thinks is normal, even acceptable. (I had bought a box of Sudafed last month for congestion, and do you know, before purchasing it, I had to sign a form and show my ID? And they keep track of HOW OFTEN you buy this stuff!! That's insanity!!) How many lives have been destroyed because these satanic substances are at your very fingertips? How many familes split? How many children being sent to foster homes? HOW MANY UNTIMELY DEATHS? Do you realize that these mega-companies are filthy rich, and are getting richer because of YOUR stupidity?? They're PARASITES!! Are you thinking yet? But you do absolutely nothing about it.
  3. Television (or more properly, HELLivision). Sex scenes everywhere. Lewd, filthy conversations. Everything's a joke, haha, let's laugh it up at others' expense. Violence is considered normal. Movies are actually REALITY SHOWS, and reality shows are made up! How about that! The newsmedia always puts some miniskirted whore between two homos! Watch the news tonight and see! You know I'm telling the truth! (What got me this morning is the YouTube app advertising Netflix, saying you can watch all the filth, slime, vomit and garbage you want, FOR ONE LOW PRICE. Every time I see that I want to throw my phone against the wall!!) TV is the Devil's favorite weapon of mass destruction!! And you sit by, watching your SH*T-flix, whoremongering, violent, sex-saturated, bloody, gory, homosexual-promoting movies, and you do absolutely NOTHING about it.
  5. HOMOsexuality. (a.k.a., SODOMITES!!!) (I'm going to get a beating for this one.) GOD CREATED ADAM AND EVE, NOT ADAM AND STEVE. Yeah, I'm HOMOPHOBIC, and PROUD OF IT! Homosexuals need to get saved just like any other sinner! Yes, I said, YOU'RE A SINNER!! But you do absolutely nothing about it.
  6. Indifference to the NEGATIVE side of our sins. Homelessness. People living at and below the poverty line. Jobs being relocated overseas (which is a joke because powerful corporate leaders don't feel like paying an honest day's wages to anyone, because nobody's honest anymore and the people in other countries are mere animals that can be exploited for gain. They're just pieces of sh*t to be flushed away anyhow!!) AM I RIGHT?? You know I'm right! How many people get shot, because of indifference? How many people die (and go straight to Hell, I might add) from drunk driver incidents? How many women get raped and killed because their minds are full of lust and seduction towards men AND other women!! We live in a sex-sicko society, folks! Hey, you dress like a whore, you're gonna get treated like a whore! Duh!! And on it goes... yet you do absolutely NOTHING about it.
  7. The New World Order agenda. Look at it! The all-seeing eye of Horus is watching you! How? Where? Cameras everywhere. You have a cellphone, do you not? CAMERA. Store cameras. Parking lot cameras. Building cameras. Cameras that catch you trying to drive through a red light and you end up with a ticket! The camera on your computer turns on without your knowing it and takes pictures of you! I'm not lying! Even the founder of Godless Google has a piece of tape over his computer camera! Haha!! Does "Big Brother" ring any bells? How about the chip? Do you have a chip in your hand? You're part of the SHEEPLE if you do! And you're part of the problem if you go along with it! You're going along to get along and you don't want to get involved, speak up, or raise a hand of objection. You're one of the SHEEPLE! Oh well, truth hurts, but it's GOOD for you!
  8. THE ARRIVAL OF THE ANTICHRIST. People don't believe there's a real Devil. Well, let me tell you, my inquisitive friend, that the Devil (Satan) is alive and well, and he's about to bring his son forth on the scene! Just look around you! Why do you think all this evil is suddenly come upon us, and people talk about the end of the world more now than ever? Why the drastic changes in the weather? (Climate change is a front for the powers that be to keep us from finding out what they're REALLY doing behind the scenes.) Something's gonna happen! I'll tell you what it is! WE CHRISTIAN BELIEVERS are going to be RAPTURED OUT of the world. There will be mass disappearances of people all over the globe. All that are left, who FAILED to believe the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST, will be left behind to endure the greatest and most horrific of times on this earth, the TIME OF JACOB'S TROUBLE, or the "Great Tribulation". Yet you continue in your sinful unbelief, and don't care, saying, "I don't want Jesus to save me, I hate God, I like sinning, just don't tell me such things"! So you do absolutely NOTHING about it.
  9. The GODLESS LORDSHIP SALVATION HERESIES, a.k.a. NEO-EVANGELICALS and ECUMENICALISM!! Also the PERversion "bibles" (fakes) that are in every so-called "Christian" bookstore, like the NIV, the NASB, the NKJV, the AMP, the NLT, the NASB, ASV, ERV, ESV, and all of the 2,000 other worthless, garbage, ungodly works of the Devil. How about the false religions? Anything that's religion is NOT a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. That means whatever church you go to, if it's not a Bible-believing, Hell-fire preaching, soulwinning, Christ-honoring church, then you've got the WRONG CHURCH! Get out of there NOW and go to a Bible-preaching and teaching church-- in other words, the REAL DEAL!
  10. And lastly, the ABORTION PROBLEM AND THE ROT OF FEMINISM. You know, I got an email the other day from Planned Parenthood. Now I'm past the childbearing age (I had a hysterectomy, you nosy fool) and I thought it was a joke, but it's not. Women can't keep their legs crossed at all anymore. Females wear tight pants, ripped jeans (ugh, how dumb is that) and all other whoremongering means to get knocked up, right? But you say, "I just want to look good." THEN WEAR A LONG DRESS, FOR GOD'S SAKE!! LIKE DOWN TO THE GROUND!! You look like a whore, you get treated like a whore! Wake up!! The abortion industry is thriving because of empty-heads like you!! They don't give a flip about you or your unborn child. They want to kill us all anyway! It's called, MASS POPULATION REDUCTION!! Get right with God, LADIES!! You belong AT HOME, DOING HOUSEWORK, COOKING YOUR HUSBAND HIS MEALS, and STAYING OUT OF TROUBLE!! I didn't write it, I just PREACH IT!!

    I hate the National Anthem anymore. "GOD BLESS AMERICA"?? NOT ON YOUR LIFE. MORE LIKE, GOD DAMN AMERICA!! And that's
    EXACTLY what He's doing, because we don't care about the Bible (the King James Bible, that is) and we just want to get drunk and high and PAHH-TAY! We live in a sick world, and the only Cure is the LORD JESUS CHRIST!! YOU'RE ON A SURE ROAD TO HELL FIRE IF YOU CONTINUE IN YOUR EVIL WAYS!! REPENT, and believe the GOSPEL, NOW, before it's too late!

Friday, January 10, 2020

Facebook, the god of fools

I find it ironic that many people have a Facebook and are on it day and night, wasting their lives and committing sin. They worship Facebook, or rather, themselves ON Facebook. I'm not talking about all, just many others who seem to not want anything but self-glory and to spread gossip, tearing down one another's reputations and livelihoods. People look goofy making faces for the Facebook camera, revelling in how dumb they act. And what's the deal with the pokes? That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen. 

I hate all the political garbage I read on Facebook. I marvel at how angry people are when they post hateful slander, and foul language vomits forth as though from a sewer. I wonder how many families have been torn apart by this wretched invention. Too many, I suppose. Nice work to the homo-lovers who invented this sinful vice. There's a special place in Hell waiting for each one of them.

I've seen it all too many times, especially young people, staring down at their phone, too engrossed to look up, while they're walking, standing in line, or even driving, which is deadly. I tell you, our idolatrous phones have literally taken our lives away, because we must have our lives on them. That's why people don't think any more or have any common sense. Our PHONES do our thinking FOR us!! Without our phone, we would literally go crazy. What a shameful thing. 

Anyway, back to what I call FAKEbook. I realized I need it to admin the two pages I own, but other than that, I don't need it or want it. In fact, I have deactivated it many times, only to go back on because of some excuse, but mostly for the pages' sakes. I do have a responsibility there, unfortunately.

So where I'm at now is I'll keep my Facebook, but I'm not following anyone. I don't even want to post anything unless it's to those pages I mentioned, and that's relatively rare. But until then, I'm just ignoring Facebook. You can have it, just leave me out of it.