Saturday, March 27, 2021

Just "Biden" my time

I think that title is clever, don't you? I am not endorsing Biden at all, because I highly dislike him and his Democratic demons. I just like to write, and I needed a subject. A testimony, if you would.

While the world is still engrossed in the covid nightmare, I have God's peace. I am not rushing to get the vaccine as many are. I'm in no hurry to get the jab.

Please don't accuse me of being a threat to your breathing space, because I work from home. I'm rarely around other people and I wear a mask in public places. So don't judge me because I'm not one of the mindless sheeple who follow every lie the Dem-onic party spews forth. I'm not like them, and am glad for it too. I have God Almighty on my side, and I am not afraid.

The Bible says for us to bide our time, e.g. redeem the time because the days are evil (Ephesians 5:16). The days were always evil since Adam's fall, but not so blatantly as now. People love their sin and hate the truth of the Bible. That's the truth.

Just look at all the filthy abominations that prevail in society today that are either accepted as normal or overlooked. The covid narrative and its sidekick the vaccine narrative. Perverts getting married and adopting children. Women in high positions of power which God commanded that only men were to assume. Decline and decay of major cities. Drugs and alcoholism being among the chief destroyers of lives. Disgusting rap and hip hop "music" (noise) that vomits out of car windows. Garbage, broken glass and syringes in the streets. People getting stoned out on "legalized" marijuana. Brainwashing of young people in the Marxist public schools. Daycare being an utter failure for greedy people that should have never had children. The various "movements" (LGBTQ+, BLM, ANTIFA, etc.) and other evil, anarchist organizations that further oppress society. Transgenderism, lesbianism, etc. because people hate how God made them. False religions, false cults, false preachers, false bibles and false churches. Divorce, deceit, disaster and dismay. And to top it all off, an aging, frail president who is about to be shoved out of the limelight by a more evil witch to take the headship of our rotting country. I could go on and on.

Before you accuse me of being a "hater," let me inform you of something. I believe the Word of God. What God says is what I believe. What God hates is what I hate. What God loves is what I love. I stand on God's Word because it is the ONLY truth today. Everything and everyone else is a lie and liars (Romans 3:4). Period.

Sin is an occupation that everybody works in, whether they know it or not. That's because we're born sinners, and we remain sinners even after we get saved. You don't teach a child to want all the toys or throw a tantrum if they don't get them, do you? That's clear evidence of sin in that child's life. Just watch a baby cry if they don't get picked up. He's a sinner, and there's your proof that the Bible is true.

You don't have to follow the world, dear reader. You can break away and realize that this world is not going to last forever, no matter what the environmentalists preach. You must know that you are a sinner and you can never pay for your sin on your own. You need a Savior to do it for you, which Jesus Christ had already done when He died for you on the cross over two thousand years ago. As long as you remain alive, you still have a chance of receiving this gift of salvation that Jesus purchased for you in His own blood. He died so that you might live. All you must do is CHANGE YOUR MIND and believe on Jesus Christ, that He died on the cross, was buried and rose again, and is now seated at the right hand of God the Father in Heaven. If you believe this as a little child, you will be born again and have a new life in Christ. Old things are passed away and all has become new. 

Don't you want the peace of God in this tumultuous world? Don't you want to be free from fear and the wiles of the Devil? Do you want to go to Heaven when you die? You can have all this and much more if you simply BELIEVE. Please do it NOW, before it's too late.