Thursday, March 11, 2021

The world is at an all time low

Please pardon my tone in this post, because I have to get certain things off my chest and this blog is where I do it. I don't care if anyone sees these posts but I know God does, and moreover He sees my thoughts and the condition of my heart. So I believe He allows me to write about some things to vent sometimes.

This time I am writing about my utter disgust and disbelief that the neighborhood where I have resided for over 20 years has become nothing more than a trash pit. Every time I step outside my door, I am rudely greeted by carelessly discarded paper, plastic grocery bags, even dog poop which some fools don't even bother to pick up. I still see those supermarket circulars in their plastic sleeves thrown around and ignored, which only contributes to the trash problem. Potato chip and candy wrappers are everywhere because young people don't know or care what a trash can looks like. Broken glass is everywhere. There are urine-filled alcohol, beer and soda bottles scattered around. 

I pray that my dog doesn't step on a syringe or piece of glass and end up at the vet and I have to pay for something that could have been avoided. I still see little kids playing outside unattended. What happens to them if they get injured or killed? Where's the justice? It's beyond gross, it's tragic. People have stopped caring. All this neglect will lead to clogged sewers and even more deplorable conditions, and with summer coming and flies and maggots infesting the garbage, it will just get worse and contribute to the degradation and filth of the city. But who cares? People just want to get drunk and pah-tay!

A friend of mine was telling me that she has such a clog problem at her house. She said her whole plumbing system has to be redone because of the buildup of garbage out front. She lives close to a sewer inlet and has to deal with it by paying thousands of dollars to install a new plumbing system, while the city can't even lift a finger to hire lazy people as street workers to clean this mess up. No, only the super rich downtown have that luxury. 

It doesn't matter about us "po' folk," we have to deal with it. Meanwhile, rich people from New York are moving to the newly built up area whose druggie residents were forced out and had migrated up here, bringing their filth and slime with them. But who cares, the mayor gets paid and has virtually no power to do anything because of the corruption of today's government. The rich get all the breaks while the poor starve and perish in their own corruption. Mankind will never learn, unless they get saved. Thank God He will sort out all this mess one glad day.

I remember that for years, twice a year, there would be a Saturday Block Cleanup Day, and everyone who had decency and cared about their living conditions (as well as the health of our children who played outside) would get out there with brooms, trash bags and garden hoses and set to work. They didn't get paid, they just had scruples and wanted to live in a clean environment. Such people are now either dead or moved far away, and now there are dirty, lazy, uncaring folks (not saying all) who inhabit (or rather, infest) these streets. It's sad. I would gladly see one of those temporary signs announcing another Block Cleanup appear, but I haven't seen one in four years. If I had pictures of this area from the early 1990's compared to now, you wouldn't believe the vast difference. 

I almost find it funny that the world is so whacked out on this covid stuff when there's a plethora of other diseases that stem from neglect, filth and uncleanliness. It figures that people would blindly follow what the evil powers say to do while the more close to home issue is trashy streets and garbage lying around. About half of my friends have already gotten the covid jab, and others are waiting for it. But what about the more immediate problem of the health condition of our CITY? Who's going to get people fired up about our neighborhoods?? It's almost spring and I hope that there will be some signs of life from the tree-huggers and environmentalists to get folks to CLEAN UP THIS PLACE! At least they care! You say you worship nature? THEN GET WITH IT!!

At this point, we are stuck here unless God Almighty makes a way for us to move elsewhere. We rent, and thankfully that has remained steady for much of the time we've lived here. If we moved, we would have to pay twice as much, and we would have to start all over. I'm hoping and praying for the Rapture before that happens, but God's will be done, because God has allowed us to remain here for this long. After all, this world is not my home, I'm just passing through.

I'm praying for Jesus Christ to come back and burn this whole earth up and start over, and the Bible assures me that He certainly will. Fire is the only way to purge uncleanness, and the Bible proves it. I wish we could go elsewhere, but I take it one day at a time, and ask for God's protection, which He is faithful to give. In the meantime I await His coming in the clouds, and I will bid farewell to this awful place called the sinful world.