Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Almost Christmas

Ten days left till ChristMASS (or as some glibly say, "Xmas"), when jolly old Saint Nick flies around the world faster than the speed of light, guided by his trusty reindeer. From when I was a child to this day, I still can't wrap my head around how he does this. Probably because it's a figment of somebody's warped imagination which was passed down through the centuries. This is one of Satan's greatest masterpieces, and gullible people today still believe it. Ho Ho Ho!

Honestly, to me, Christmas is just another day. I do love the lights and merry decorations, but I don't expect anything different to happen. I don't greedily wait for gifts, and I don't celebrate the birth of Christ as if it's a ritual. God never told us to observe the birth of His Son, but to be thankful that He was born to die for our sins. That is Christmas to me.

So what if I get something for Christmas. Temporary things pass away. I'm not laying up treasures on earth. I'd rather have Jesus.