Saturday, December 19, 2020

Veep takes vaccine, assures world it's safe

I just saw the front page of the local news proudly proclaiming the Vice President (the soon to be replaced one, that is) has received the pre-mark.. er, the ahem, vaccine. Good for him, I hope he doesn't grow any extra limbs. 

It seems that this vaccine is rapidly getting more attention. The pressure is starting to build: first it's recommended, then you're threatened, then it's everybody's got to have it. Same thing happened with the masks, the sanitizer and the six feet "social distancing". You're going to be labeled as a "hater" and a "bio-terrorist" if you refuse it. I mean, the "Veep" got it, so you better get it too!

So much for freedom of choice... oh wait, that still applies to Planned Parenthood...

You know, if this vaccine were just another vaccine, there wouldn't be any pressure to get it. Is the flu shot mandatory? No, it's been around for years and it was always YOUR DECISION to get it or not. Just the fact that this new vaccine is going to be mandatory at some point (if not right away) smells like the Devil to me. It's about CONTROLLING THE MASSES. There was ALWAYS a choice with vaccines before. There was always trial and error testing for YEARS before. There were always success rates and failure rates. 

But this vaccine? I don't know, except it took too short of a time to appear, the vaccine itself has no inactive portion of the virus like all others vaccines have, and only God knows the short and long term results. Where the proof, Veep? How do you know it's so-called "safe"? How do you know you're not receiving a sinister cocktail of drugs, viruses, nanobots, and what else? How do you know your body will assimilate it without any issues and you won't have any side or after effects? I need PROOF this thing works, and no one is going to convince me until there IS proof. In other words, COUNT ME OUT.

A friend told me yesterday that he believes the vaccine will have specialized nanos that produce a mark in your skin at the injection site which identifies you as having received the vaccine, and it will be used as a tracking device to hone in on your every move. Now this is flat out predestination of the mark of the Beast in Revelation!! (The vaccine IS NOT the mark of the Beast, but it's a clear indication that we are well on our way to the arrival of the ANTICHRIST!! COME, LORD JESUS!!)

What some people would call me would be a "spreader of misinformation". My God in Heaven, I'm trying to help you! I'm not trying to be ugly or hateful, God knows! I can say the same thing about smoking or drinking, or getting pregnant and having an abortion! It's YOU who refuse the truth! It's YOU who is going to be reaping the rewards for your hasty judgments! It's YOU who's going to pay the consequences! I'm the "good guy"! You ought to listen to a good God in the Bible! Satan hates you and wants to destroy everything in your life!! But if you want to go along to get along, then I pity you. You want to go get the vaccine, knock yourself out. You might get away with getting this cocktail from Hell now, but you will be sorry later! 

Listen. I'm just a nobody, a humble blogger who loves the Lord and cares about folks. What I write comes from my heart, and I want to please God when I write. From the first emails I sent to friends, to the website God gave me, to this blog now, I've always believed that the Holy Spirit gives me an idea to write about, and He uses me to type it down to speak to your heart. He points the way to Jesus Christ, and I want to be His humble vessel to help people realize once and for all that they desperately need a Savior.

I mean absolutely no harm. My language is strong because that's my heart grieving the selfish wickedness of mankind. My heart hurts for people! That's why I give the Gospel out: the DEATH, BURIAL and RESURRECTION of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is your only option, my friend! Either that, or you will pay later!