Thursday, December 31, 2020

Happy New Year...?

 I wanted to write one final post for 2020. It has been a different year, filled with unwanted surprises and fear. 

2020 has tested my faith and sharpened my zeal for truth. Things I took long for granted have become precious, and I cling to the old, better days when the world wasn't so wicked.

I have had several health issues this year as well, but I retain in good general health, which I fervently thank God for. Yet minor issues such as carpal tunnel syndrome, hot flashes and weight gain are only temporary in God's big plan for my life. I am thankful that He permitted me to live this long, and I do not take my borrowed time for granted.

2021 is a source of potential dread and fear of the unknown for most folks. That's why I question the phrase, "Happy New Year" for January 1st. Will this new year really be "happy"? Or will it be worse and more frightening than 2020?

Only God knows the answer to that.

In myself I too am frightened, but for a different cause. I am concerned about my family, who are living like the world. I am concerned over whether my church will stay open. I am VERY concerned about this vaccine issue. Above all, with the politics and new President coming up, I wonder about the state of our nation. I am not into politics at all, but any fool can see that we are headed for a bad time as a whole. 

The only thing I can confidently do is pray. Pray for my family, my friends, for others and for the lost. I admit oftentimes I fail at this, but as God gives me a new day, no matter what shape I'm in, physically or spiritually, I must obey Him and do what He says.

God sets up rulers and brings them down. He is in charge of everything, and is now allowing the Devil to have his way, because prophecy must be fulfilled. The world is waiting with bated breath for the arrival of the Antichrist, but we true Bible believers must endure until Jesus catches us away forever. We will never see the time of Jacob's trouble, but we MUST hold fast to our faith and win souls to Christ.

I look forward to seeing the Lord Jesus in the skies, calling us out of this awful world. In the meantime, my prayer is that He will use me, and receive all the glory. Amen.