Saturday, December 5, 2020

Rosary Crusade video

So I was looking at my BoobTube this morning, and this was on the home page. (This is a search page for the same criteria, so enter at your own risk.)

Rosary Crusade 2020

One thing that must be said. This is the Roman Catholic mega-cult spewing their filthy lies again. Millions, if not billions of duped Catholics will watch this Godless video and all the rest like them. The Devil is a master counterfeiter, and Roman Catholicism is one of his best weapons to kill, steal and destroy countless lives.

As a former, saved Catholic, I will spend the rest of my life exposing the filth and rot of this mega-cult, so help me God. I am NOT ashamed to testify that I will never return to this false relgion, and I love the Lord Jesus enough to say it to the world. I sadly had to spend four years in this hell on earth in high school because I didn't know any better. I had no idea that this garbage from hell was NOT what or Whom I was seeking. Now that God has freed me and set me apart for Himself, I will never hesitate to speak ill of any idolatrous religion. They are all corrupt and lead souls to an eternity in the lake of fire.

This is a warning to unsaved Catholics. You MUST repent and believe on Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Jesus is the ONLY WAY to Heaven. The Catholic doctrine is POLAR OPPOSITE of the King James Bible. ALL religions lead to HELL. Come to Christ and believe that He took the nails on Calvary and shed His blood (God's Blood) for you. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.