Friday, December 4, 2020

Deactivated my Facebook

Yes, I did it again. I deactivated my Facebook because I don't see the point in going back. I don't follow anybody or anything. I have friends but I never hear from more than four or five of them. I hate groups. I really hate how fact checkers can delete your posts if you write anything they don't like. And what's the point of having X number of friends when they don't even keep in touch?? 

By the way, you can't delete your Facebook. Don't even bother, the most you can do is deactivate it and forget about it. They lie and say your account will be deleted in 14 days, but they never delete the whole thing. They tell you that you can always go back, and it'll be there, just like you left it, so you can keep on being an idiot and posting stuff they they'll continue to hoard in their servers. So they don't delete crap. They keep your info on purpose to take away your privacy, and to locate you and spy on your every online move. Even your private posts and non-public stuff stays in their servers indefinitely, and you don't even know it. Why are the profile pics public and can never be changed to private? It's all about control.

Facebook is like online hell. It should be called "Hell-book." It enlarges itself every time some fool makes a new account. It explodes even bigger when people post every bit of their life on it. People by and large are very self-centered, and they don't care who sees them or the consequences thereof. It's all about self on Facebook ("hey, look at my face! Look at ME!!"). Very little on Facebook is wholesome and worth your valuable time, and getting rarer by the day. Truth is like gold, and you will not find it on FAKEbook, because of those damned fact checkers!!

What I find so hypocritical about Facebook is that you need to sign up for a new account with your real name. What if I don't want to share my real name? And, what about those accounts which have names that aren't real names?? They say you have to put a name that you can send mail to. What a cop-out! So I guess the thousands whose names are "Fact Check" or "Mary Factchecker" or "Factz and More Factz" or "Factz In Da Hood" (I've seen literally hundreds of these) have legitimate mail addresses?? Are you kidding me? Facebook is a big con run by master con artist Mark Snuckerberg and his demonic cronies! Yes I misspelled his name on purpose!! Yes I'm mad!!

The only reason I was on Facebook before was because of my church's streaming site. But I'll skip that too because I'd rather go in person. And if I have no other choice but to watch the livestream, I'll just skip it and wait until I can go in person. I went in person before we had online services. That's how I liked it. I detest how everything is "online" anymore, but that's just the way it is. These are the end of the end times. 

I simply am tired of Facebook. It's an ungodly temptation which I can gladly do without. I'm not going back again.